Chapter 7 | Where It All Started

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Warning ⚠️:
- Slight Homophobia


It had been over a month since Bakugou and Izuku first met and things were very different from what they were before. For starters, They became very close friends and visited each other's houses extremely often. The deal between them was called off, Bakugou said it was kinda useless since Izuku does what he wants willingly which Bakugou didn't really understand why, but he wasn't going to complain.

The painting Bakugou had promised to do was long forgotten, Izuku honestly forgot and Bakugou wasn't going to bring that up because he had something special planned for Izuku that we would address later when the time is right. Anyways, They didn't really run into any problems with Izuku's father, they were glad it was like that.

Well, until one unfortunate day for Bakugou.

It was a nice cold afternoon, the post rain smell invading Bakugou's nose. He walked up to his apartment after Izuku dropped him off from his house. They were hanging out at Izuku's house as usual, talking about dumb stuff while Bakugou made them lunch. It was nice and peaceful and to this day, Bakugou still feels like he's dreaming. He's friends with Midoriya Izuku? It truly felt surreal.

Walking into the elevator, smiling, Bakugou presses his floor button and silently waits for it to go up to his floor. After a bit, the elevator makes a ding sound while the door opens. Bakugou makes his way out and rummages through the pockets of his coat to find his keys but instead he walks to his apartment door to find it already opened?

Startled, he drops his keys back in his pocket and places his shaking hand on the door handle. He opens the door slowly, his hand trembling with every passing second. He slightly turns his head to look around the room and what he sees makes his blood run cold. He stood there confused and a bit frightened. Was this another dream?

One question roamed his mind 'Was it a bad idea getting involved with a celebrity?' he answered himself with a yes.

The man who was sitting so professionally on his couch was the most powerful man in Japan. His hair was black with gray highlights in some places since he was aging. Those cold, piercing eyes of his were a dark brown color. He had an intimidating muscular build, which honestly made Bakugou a bit scared.

All of those features only lead to one person, Midoriya Henzoshi. But he wasn't the only one there, he had 4 bodyguards with him for protection. And he honestly didn't need them, it's not like Bakugou could fight him.

Finally, Bakugou broke out from his trance and greeted him good afternoon. "I think that It's a rather bad afternoon, is it not? Bakugou Katsuki?" Henzoshi said, quite menacingly quiet.

Bakugou's eyes slightly widened. How does.. How does he know my name? He didn't question it any further as he concluded that Henzoshi probably got a research team to find him or something like that. But the main question was why?

"Um, what brings you here.. sir?"

Henzoshi laughs, however no trace of humor could be found in his low and dark laugh. His hand was moved from being neatly placed on his lap to being under his chin. "I'm sure you already know why, Katsuki."

Bakugou swears he almost fainted, he quickly removed his coat and hung it on his coat rack and quickly went to his dining table to sit down before he'll just fall flat on his face.

"What do you mean, old m- sir?" FUCK, Katsuki what the hell's wrong with you.

Henzoshi was not amused. His nonchalant face was replaced with a scowl. He scoffed, "Fine. Since your dumb self can't seem to understand what I'm here for, I'll say it myself." Did he just... did he just call me dumb?

"I'm here to talk to you about my son, the son that you have corrupted with your gayness. Izuku."

"About what, sir?" Bakugou smiled in annoyance towards Henzoshi. Clearly what he said got on Bakugou's nerves. Corrupted with his gayness? the fuck's wrong with this guy!?

"How much money do you want? Because you clearly need it. I mean look at your apartment! It's disgustingly small! How do you live like this?"

Bakugou blinked again. Did he hear that right? "Excuse me?"

"Look, I'm trying to help you Katsuki. How much money for you to leave my son alone, for good?"

Bakugou felt his anger rise, He felt like he'd been insulted. How dare he think that low of him! Even though he was not doing the best financially, he would never accept anyone's help, especially Henzoshi's. Bakugou slammed his hands on the table and got up and pointed to Henzoshi's face in pure anger and said,

"What the fuck is wrong with you? First, you break into my apartment. Then you have the AUDACITY to insult how I live? And lastly you're offering me money? Do I look like a money hungry asshole to you? Look here Midoriya, I am not taking anything you give me. No matter the amou-"

"5 million yen."

"I already fucking said I wouldn't accept any amount-"

"15 million yen. Is that still not enough? 25 million yen maybe?"

Bakugou stood there in disbelief, This asshole. He's really ignoring him. Bakugou sighed out of anger, he really needs to end this conversation or he might go over and punch Henzoshi in the face.

"Listen here Midoriya, Firstly, I don't know what kind of relationship you think Izuku and I have, but I will tell you right now that we're just friends. Nothing more. And no, I'm not corrupting him with my apparent 'gayness'

Secondly, I am not taking any money that you're trying to offer me, alright? No amount of money is going to make me leave your son. In fact, what you're doing is making me more determined to stay even closer to him.

Lastly, I'm very fucking happy living in my disgustingly small apartment. Now would you get your hairy, old balls OUT of my fucking apartment?"

Henzoshi fell quiet, eyes widened, lips slightly apart. He was certainly surprised at Bakugou's words. Silence overtook the room. Henzoshi held his head down, laughter escaping from his mouth. He stopped and looked at Bakugou straight in the eyes and smirked. It was at that moment, Bakugou knew this fight wasn't over. It was just beginning.

"Fine Katsuki. If that's how you want to play. Fine. I guess you chose the hard way. Let's see how long you can last with this idiotic personality of yours"

Henzoshi got up from his couch and walked out of Bakugou's apartment with his 4 body guards trailing behind him. The door closed with a light click. Bakugou stood there, heavily panting. His chest rose up and down while sweat dripped down his face. He suddenly regrets all of his life choices.

Why the fuck did I get involved in this stupid mess

~•~ (the next day)

Izuku was relaxing comfortably on his fluffy couch suddenly when a notification popped up on his phone. He picked it up and checked to see who it was. His heart nearly stopped, It was his father. Oh no, this was bad. Like really bad. His father never ever personally texts him at all.

If Henzoshi wanted to speak with him, he would make the maids call to inform him about it. But never Henzoshi himself. This was something serious. He read the message and immediately stood up from his couch to get ready leaving his phone open with a message saying,

I want to talk to you. Make sure to wear something formal.

End of Chapter 7

Act 1 - completed

I'll be taking a break, I'm not sure when I'll be back. But it won't be that long

I'm using this break to pre-write some more chapters and also work on my mental health.


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