Chapter 9 | Bearer of News

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Warning ⚠️:
- Mentions of Abuse (Verbal and a bit of Physical)

As soon as Henzoshi announced that he could leave, he said a very quick goodbye and out the door he was. Izuku basically ran to his car, starting it and leaving the Manor immediately. On the way back home, He thought about everything that had happened this morning, from the sheer panic when his Father personally called him over to the feeling of wanting to go home. He hated every second of it.

As for Yui, it's so goddamn obvious that she likes him, maybe even loves him. He could tell from a mile away. Though, it's really sad. Izuku will never love Yui, at least not in this universe. She probably knew that too. Izuku understood that feeling, he had felt it before. Trust me, it wasn't a jolly good time.

Izuku really hopes that Yui doesn't think she has a chance and tries to seduce him, because she never will be the one he loves, no matter how hard she tries. Izuku has made a promise to himself, a promise that he will never break. The promise was to never love anyone, ever again. He's had enough of it.

But maybe one day Izuku will find the person he breaks the promise for.


"So what you're saying is that you wanna do something special for your boyfriend's birthday?" A certain pair of Best friends were at Ochako's house. They were sitting on Ochako's couch while having a conversation over some wine.

Bakugou almost spat out his red wine due to what Ochako just said. "Round face, are you insane? Why the fuck would you ever think that?"

"Hey! Be careful! You almost stained my couch!" Ochako scolded. Swirling the wine around her glass in a circular motion, she gave bakugou an angry glare. He groaned, "Just answer the damn question."

Ochako continued to glare angrily, taking a sip of her wine before slightly shrugging her shoulders "I mean you guys are getting really close, so..." Close? They were getting close? Maybe she meant it in a platonic type way. Yeah, that would make the most sense. Why would he like Izuku? Sure, He's cute and very passionate about his job which is kind of hot but other than that, He couldn't see himself liking Izuku. Totally. Not at all.

"-akugou. Katsuki, i swear to all might, if you do not respond to me right now I'll slap you." That definitely helped Bakugou to break out of the trance he was in. He faced her, Ochako's face filled with curiosity, showing Bakugou that she wanted to know what he was planning for Izuku's birthday. Bakugou poured himself another glass of wine. He exhaled through his mouth, his warm breath hitting his wine glass causing it to fog up. He took a sip of the newly poured wine and spoke,

"Aight so I'm thinking....."

A phone rang loudly, it wasn't Ochako's which left only one person. It was Bakugou's. He picked up his phone and looked at the contact name that was calling him, It was Izuku. He answered the call and held up the phone to his left ear. There was a small silence before a familiar voice spoke up.


Well that was different. His voice didn't have his usual happy vibe to it. Bakugou's brows furrowed, the sides of his lips curling into a tiny frown. Something happened. Something bad, really really bad.

"Can I uhm... crash at your place tonight?"

"Oh shit. It's that fucking bad?" Bakugou said quietly.


"Nothing. You can stay with me or whatever, why?"

"It's nothing, my house just doesn't feel safe and also because I miss you." Bakugou's heart definitely stopped for a second. Miss me? Wait no, Katsuki. He misses you as a friend. Stop putting impossible ideas in your head. Wait, why do I even care?

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