Chapter 12 | Jealousy, Jealousy

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"Katsuki, you don't understand how desperate she is! You would cry if you experienced it." Izuku cried to Katsuki. Unable to hold in his laughter once more, The latter laughed.

Izuku had been escaping his house and staying at Katsuki's shop for the whole day before going home. He didn't actually have a lot of work as Yui thought he did. Yeah, he has a few commercials and promoting his new movie but that was it. On other days, He was at Katsuki's place, his store or hanging out with his friends that weren't busy.

"It's seriously not funny! it's killing me inside."

"Yeah, yeah. you've said that already" Katsuki laughed, once more.

Katsuki was more happy these days. He laughed a lot, he would smile very oftenly and Izuku wasn't complaining, he liked it. In his own opinion, Bakugou's smile was heavenly, his laugh was angelic. Izuku loved hearing it, but! Don't get the wrong idea, he wasn't giving in to his interest towards Katsuki. He just thought that his smile was nice, totally a platonic thing.

"Well... By the way, I never got my hoodie back." Katsuki asks him.

Oh shit! I forgot about that!

Izuku panicked. He kind of wished that Katsuki forgot about so he could keep it. He knows it's a little bit if a weird thing to wish for but it wasn't his fault that the hoddie smelt nice. His voice wavering, he stuttered out an obvious lie

"Uhm, what hoodie are you talking about? it's not like I know what you're talking about, haha... I totally don't wear it to sleep every single day.." Izuku whispered the last part and unfortunately, Katsuki heard it. He heard it loud and clear. To say Katsuki was shocked was a complete understatement, he was beyond surprised. His ears turned a light pink color, for some reason he was a bit embarrased to hear that, but it was also incredibly amazing to hear that Izuku has been wearing his hoddie a lot. it made him feel.... weirdly giddy? He didn't know how to explain it, at all.

Aside from that, looking at the power Katsuki had in this situation, he decides to use the opportunity to tease Izuku a bit.

He smirked. "I'm talking about the hoodie that you apparently wear to sleep every night" Katsuki lifts one of his eyebrows in a teasing manner. Izuku lets his head fall on Katsuki's desk in embarrassment, a blush spread on his face.


"Y'know that skull hoodie I let you borrow a few weeks ago?"

"I get it, man! Jeez.." He lifted his face up and playfully slapped Katsuki's shoulder. He hissed at the slight pain but continued teasing Izuku.

That was until Izuku had enough and stood up. "Alright, fine! We're going to my house to pick it up, right now!" Katsuki was shocked but nodded anyway.


The ride progressing towards his house was quiet, though it was a good silence. The atmosphere between them was comfortable, no awkwardness. Though, the occasional hand brushes of both men caused them to flinch away and blush. Aside from that, It was fine.

Surprisingly, they had the same taste in music. They both loved The Weeknd and were listening to his music all ride. One song they kept repeating was 'Out of time' Which happened to be Izuku's favorite song.

The last few months, I've been working on me, baby
There's so much trauma in my life

Izuku wiggles in his car seat and moves his arms around in the slowly, as his way of dancing while still focusing on the road ahead of him. He starts singing along to the song. Katsuki turns to face him, seeing Izuku enjoy the music for some reason made him want to join him. And so he did.

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