Chapter 6 | Revealed Secret

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Warning ⚠️:
- Homophobia?


Izuku was in his bedroom with a blank expression on his face, while staring at a wall. Why did his brother visit him after many many years of not seeing each other? What was so special about now? It wasn't like he wasn't happy to see him, but he's just confused.

There must have been a motive. He couldn't just show up like that. Maybe he put something like a camera in his house, or a hidden speaker.

'I really hope he didn't come back to ruin my life.. again.' Izuku sighed, he already had a lot of weight on his shoulders. Now this?

He texted Bakugou that he wouldn't be coming today, Bakugou asked why? Izuku replied saying that he was tired.

Bakugou-san😡: go to sleep then. tf are you doing up this late.

You: idk

Bakugou-san😡: are you shitting on my chest rn?
•you don't know?

You: yeah.

Bakugou-san😡: istg, just go to bed. I'm losing braincells just texting you rn.

You: no, now i don't wanna go to bed. what are you? my mom?🤨
• I'm 24, i can do whatever i want.

Bakugou-san😡: well now I'm your mother. go to bed, my son.
•or I'll beat your ass.

Izuku laughed, Bakugou was a really fun person to be around. When Izuku first met him, he genuinely thought Bakugou was a bitch. He still does sometimes, but not so often anymore.

He felt comfortable talking to Bakugou, he felt like he could be himself. Not constantly having to be professional and polite around Bakugou felt awesome.

You: fine mother, I'll go to bed

Bakugou-san😡: good. don't ever wake up again.

You: waht
•damn, and i thought we were starting to be friends now.
•guess not lol

Bakugou-san😡: jk bro

You: oh.
•good night then :)

Bakugou-san😡: alright.


Bakugou was running laps around his shop while holding his phone. He stopped to see the message, then started running. Again.

'Oh my god. OH MY FUCKING GOD. No way, ain't no way'

Izuku called him his friend.

Now Bakugou was doing squats with his hands on his head. He just couldn't believe it. So, he stopped and looked again.

"FUCKING HELL, HE CALLED ME HIS GODDAMN FRIEND" Bakugou had never been so happy about someone calling him their friend before. They've only known each other for less than a week, but they're already calling each other their friend.

Bakugou walked back to his desk and sat down, still looking at his phone with wide eyes. A small smile appears upon his face. He wanted to print it out, frame it and hang the picture somewhere in his house. That's how happy he was.

He looked at the time, 1 am. He had just a little bit left before finishing the painting. After that he could go home.

Few minutes later, he finished. He took the canvas off its stand, and set it on the floor. Locked the storage room, put on his shoes and lastly, turned off the lights. And out the door he was, he could go home to his comfortable bed now. Well, not before locking the front door of course. Now, he could go.

~•~ (~°~ a month time skip)

Mr. Midoriya was sitting in his office doing some paperwork for his company, he was interrupted by a knocking sound on the door. A loud and quite irritating shout came from Mr. Midoriya, "Come in!"

"Oh, it's you. What do you want?"

It was his personal assistant. She looked like she had something to tell him, considering how nervous she looked.

"Tell me."

She shook in fear, her mouth quivering at the cold soulless voice ringing in her head. Anyone would be absolutely frightened if they had to tell Mr. Midoriya about what has happened with Izuku in the past month.

She heard what the maids were gossiping about. They heard. They heard everything that day. That one unlucky day for Izuku 7 years ago.

"It's a-about Izuku, s-sir"

"I'm Listening..."

She took a deep breath to lessen the panic she was experiencing. And started to talk, "Izuku.... Has been secretly meeting up with someone for the past month and they seem really... close."

'Doesn't this boy know that he's getting married? Why is he fucking things up like this!' Mr. Midoriya thought, angrily.

"What gender?"

"Why is that a problem, sir-"

"WHAT GENDER!?" Mr. Midoriya yelled loudly. A glass nameplate was thrown to the wall opposite him, a glass shard slightly cutting the assistant's face. A small amount of liquid red blood oozes out on the side of her check.

(Y'know those glass nameplates that CEOs in kdramas have on their desks? yeah that's the one he has.)

A tear escaped her eye, she was beyond terrified. She deeply wanted to quit this job, but she couldn't. Mr. Midoriya would personally hunt her down. She knew way too much information. And if it was let out to public, Mr. Midoriya's reputation would be completely destroyed.


"A-A man, sir!"

Mr. Midoriya's anger rose rather quickly. He had thought Izuku learned from his mistake that he made 7 years ago. Why was Izuku risking his job? Marrying that girl would be greatly beneficial to his company, he would make much more money than he is now. Which would make him the richest man in all of Japan.

But no, his dream couldn't happen, because Izuku had to just fall in love with another BOY. A girl would have been acceptable, but a boy!?

His son could not marry a man. It was absolutely unacceptable, disgusting and most of all, evil. How would he make connections with other companies? His reputation? Oh! He could hear the gossip! Midoriya Henzoshi, Ceo of UA electronics's son is gay- or was it bisensual?

Oh whatever, he didn't care anyways. Izuku is going to marry her whether he likes it or not. It's already been decided.

'Fine. I guess I'll just have to think of a better punishment.'

End of chapter 6

Hey guys!

this chapter was kind of a bit shorter than usual bc i had writer's block.

Sorry if it was boring :')

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