Chapter 8 | Hello, Future Husband!

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Warning ⚠️:
- None


Act 2 starts now.


Izuku ran out of his front door in a hurry. He sat in his car, started it and off he was. Speeding through the bright streets of Masutafu, Japan, Izuku was extremely terrified. What did his Father want so early in the morning? Izuku just woke up for god's sake. Can't it be at noon or something? But Izuku didn't question it further and kept driving, Not wanting to upset his Father by arriving late.

At last, Izuku arrived at the Midoriya Household. He parked his car in the driveway and got out. In the pocket of his dress pants, a phone buzzed. Izuku took it out and saw that it was another message from his Father.

I see that you have arrived right on time. Come in, I'm in the dining room.

Izuku walked through the tall doors of the Manor, the sound of his shoes echoing throughout the manor. The closer he got to the dining room, the more uneven his breathing became. After what felt like hours, Izuku reached the massive dining room, which Izuku always thought was kinda useless. They were only a family of four- well two now. You already know about Itsuko but His Mother, Midoriya Inko has been hospitalized for the past 7 years.

She was in a car accident on her way to work which resulted in her being in a temporary coma but after four weeks of not showing any signs of waking up, the doctors diagnosed her again with a Permanent Coma, also known as Persistent Vegetable State (PVS). The doctors said Inko had little to no chance of ever regaining consciousness.

Over the many years, Izuku and Henzoshi were always asked if they wanted to pull the plug and finally let her rest. Izuku agreed every time while Henzoshi didn't. Izuku paid no mind to it and just guessed that he was still in denial or didn't want to let her go yet.

But now wasn't the time to start missing his Mother, the main problem was if he was going to survive this meeting with his Father or not. His Father was sitting down on one of the chairs around the massive and long dining table. Izuku sauntered over to one of the chairs and took a seat. An awkward silence erupts in the room, Izuku was looking everywhere else other than his Father's face.

Meanwhile, Henzoshi was busy looking at the screen of his laptop, probably doing some work. For a while both men did not say a word, causing Izuku to be more nervous than he already was. Out of nowhere, Henzoshi said "We're having breakfast with some guests today. They'll arrive in a bit." Izuku nodded even though his father was too focused on his work to even take a glance at Izuku. Like he always did, since childhood.

Izuku pulled out his phone to distract him from worrying about what his Father wants to talk about. He texts his friends, Kaminari Denki, Jirou Kyoka and Shinsou Hitoshi.

Kaminari Denki is Izuku's model friend that he met when they were doing a photoshoot together to promote a lotion brand. After the photoshoot, the team and models were advised to have a little dinner party. Kaminari and Izuku had a conversation during the party and as they say, the rest is history. Izuku considered him as his best friend, So did Kaminari.

Jirou came a few months after Kaminari. He met her when he was shooting a music video for one of her songs. Yup, Jirou was a singer and songwriter. Oh don't forget a producer too. Izuku being in her music video resulted in her fame skyrocketing. She got millions of new fans which overwhelmed her a bit but she handled it pretty well.

After that, Izuku would usually star in her music videos. Thus, a strong friendship blossomed.

And lastly, Shinsou was an actor just like him, with less experience of course but still very talented. They met when shooting a series called 'Everlasting love', Izuku was the main love interest and Shinsou was his rival. In the series, they would always fight and argue over who deserved the main character's love more.

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