Chapter 4 | A Surprise Visitor

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Warning ⚠️:


Bakugou started to think maybe that wasn't the girls name, they're many other people with the name Yui. Not just her. Because it's really weird that the article had barely any information on her. No picture, the only thing they said was that she's-

"Hey, Bakugou-san! I'm here now."

Bakugou didn't scream this time, only just flinched. He quickly kept his phone away from Izuku's sight. He didn't know why but he just..... did.

"What was that? Are you hiding something from me?"

"It's none of your business." He said while getting up from his chair and going to the storage room to get a new canvas because he forgot that one at home.

"Yeah, I doubt that. By the way, Is your favorite thing to say 'none of your business' or something? You say it all the time."

"Shut up!" Bakugou stopped and thought about it. Maybe he did say it way too much.

"It is, isn't it?"

"I hate you"

"Love you too darling. " Izuku blows a kiss to Bakugou. He rolls his eyes

With a canvas in hand, he sits back down on his chair, places his canvas on its stand and starts his work

He sits there for a while before he starts nervously shifting in his seat. He's never had someone watch him paint before. Of course his friends would try to. Emphasis on the word try. Bakugou never let them. He would either move away from them, push them away or just stop painting completely.

"Are you just going to stand there and watch me"

"Yes, unless you're giving me a chair."

"There's a chair in the storage room"

"Okay, thank you!" Izuku walks to the back door and opens it, dust invades his nostrils making him sneeze loudly. "Do you ever clean this room?"

"No. Why the fuck would I?" Izuku gasps at Bakugou's answer, causing him to inhale more dust and cough.

"*cough* where is the *cough* chair?"

"Right in front of you, Dumbass"

Izuku quickly grabs the chair and closes the door. He brings out his alcohol spray bottle and takes some tissues off Bakugou's counter to clean the chair.

Even tho Bakugou had said the it was fine and that the chair was clean but Izuku still kept cleaning

"Y'know what, I don't need a chair. I'll just stand." Izuku stops cleaning the chair, throws the tissue papers he used into a small bin next to Bakugou's desk.

"You're so extra." Bakugou rolls his eyes at Izuku's antics and continues his work.

Izuku leans his back on the wall and crosses his arms."So, can I ask questions while you do my painting?" Bakugou sniggers quietly but Izuku hears it. He heard it loud and clear.


"I'm not even working on your painting." Bakugou laughs loudly.

"There's a queue, your highness. You're not getting any special treatment from me."

Izuku looks at Bakugou with a face of disbelief. He even told this guy he would pay a lot. Other people would have immediately started working on his. Well, deep down, he was glad Bakugou was treating him as a normal person and not as if he was some king.

'Yeah, yeah. How long is the queue anyways?"

"There's 6 people before you"

Izuku stands up straight, looks Bakugou in the eye and shouts. "6 people!?" He stops for a while to think. 6 people isn't really that bad to be honest. "Well that's actually not that bad."

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