Chapter 10 | Katsuki

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Warning ⚠️:
- None


Izuku slowly laid down on the couch, his legs going over the armrest as he cuddled into Bakugou's chest. Bakugou arms slithering around Izuku's waist, pulling him closer to himself. The two men stayed like that for a while, enjoying the comfortable silence between them. Izuku, enjoying the warmth that radiated off Bakugou-san's body, he snuggled even closer, close enough to hear Bakugou's heart racing so rapidly.

That gave him a sort of comfort, he liked it.

Meanwhile, Bakugou feels like he's going to faint, maybe even die. Maybe even Both. But he managed to voice something out loud anyway.

"And for the record, I feel that way about you too." Izuku slightly lifted his head to look at the Katsuki's face, a little surprised at the comment. He didn't take Katsuki for a person who voiced his feelings, So to hear something as romantic as that, infact to hear him say anything in a delicate voice, talking to Izuku like if he raised his voice even a little bit, Izuku would break. Izuku felt something, again. It felt the same as the previous one but it was faint. Like coming home on a long day of work and feeling that pit of relief at the bottom your stomach. Izuku smiled at placed gis head right back down to where it was before. And answered Katsuki with a quiet "That's good to know." Katsuki grunted as a response, a small smirk appeared on his face.

When Izuku snuggled closer in his chest, he prayed to whatever god that was up there to not let Izuku hear his racing heartbeat. Wait, he almost forgot what this cuddling- uh comforting session was even for. He removed one hand from Izuku's waist to brush a hand through his bushy hair.

"Are you ready?" Izuku looked up from his chest once again, shocked at how nice and sweet Bakugou was. He looked back down and swallowed a large lump in his throat.

"Yeah. " His tongue turned extremely dry, it was like his words were being held back by someone. Why was he so nervous? They laid there in silence while Izuku gathered all his confidence and spoke up "I'm.. Getting married in December." Shock. Shock is what emotion ran through Bakugou's veins as he heard those words. Married. Married. In December, which was six months away. Izuku had a girlfriend, Why did that make him so feel weird about it, He should be happy for his friend, right? But he didn't feel that way at all. Well fuck this was confusing.

But then Katsuki thought again about the statement. Isn't this supposed to be a good thing? He's getting married to his girlfriend. Why is Izuku so sad about it?

"Aren't you supposed to be fucking happy or something?"

"It's an arranged marriage, Bakugou. For business."

"Oh.. WAIT WHAT?" He yelled.

"Yeah" Izuku lazily spoke.

The silence was so loud. It was so quiet you could hear the cold wind outside blow. Bakugou kept silent because he didn't know what to say, he'd never comforted anyone before. He's kinda scared he'll say something that might offend Izuku, so he kept quiet and brought Izuku closer to him by his waist.

Izuku didn't want Bakugou-san to say anything, he really wanted the silence. Saying something would make the atmosphere between them awkward and he didn't want that. He just wanted to keep feeling this warmth from Bakugou as much as he could. As the cold night continued, no one said anything and just kept enjoying each other's company. Little faint snores were heard from the both of them, their chests slowly rising up and down simultaneously as they fell into a deep sleep.


The sun rises, morning arrives. The sky is as clear and blue as ever. A faint orange color lit up in the darkness of Bakugou's apartment, causing his eyes to flutter open slowly while looking around at his surroundings. Wanting to stretch, Bakugou attempts to lift his hand up but a heavy weight stops him from doing so. His eyes glanced down to see Izuku's head on his arm. He froze and blushed furiously, recollecting the events that happened yesterday night.

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