Chapter 3

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America POV

I woke up to something shifting in the covers near my legs. My body immediately froze and I shot my eyes open and peered down to see whatever had moved and activated my anxiety

There I saw (Y/N), hugging me around my waist as if I were a giant pillow. 'She's so much smaller than me, I bet she's as light as a feather' I thought as I hugged her back.

She was snoring softly, I chuckled at this. Occasionally she mumbled a few sentences, like "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!", or "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell", and "Dumbledora the explora". Honestly I found that quite funny.

'Ah, she looks so peaceful whilst she's sleeping...

Hol' up

Did I even ask her her pronouns? Oh shoot...

What if she actually isn't a "she"? She could be a "they", a "he" or an "it". Maybe she uses neopronouns... I'll use they/them for now, just to be on the safe side...

I'll ask them properly tomorrow...

What if they're not a girl? They could be non-binary... Hmph... It's too early for this kind of stuff...'.

I looked at my alarm clock on my bedside cabinet and it read 9:00 AM. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and got up out of bed. I strolled up to the closet, pulled some random clothes out, went to the bathroom and swiftly changed into the clothes. Normally I'd change in my room, but I think I'm going to have to make an exception today because of (Y/N)'s presence. What if she woke up whilst I am I'm the middle of changing?! I blushed at the thought and hurriedly went down the stairs to breakfast.

I walk down stairs where I encountered Canada, who looked at me in a weird way and asks "you're up early, you sure you're feeling alright?"

I rolled my eyes and raised my middle finger at him as I walked past him. 

I entered the kitchen and found Aussie and Kiwi playing with French Guiana at the table, Mom ironing and Dad cooking.  I sat down at the table and made myself a bowl of cereals and ate them.

"So, what's our plan for today?" I asked. "We're going shopping, whilst we're there we're going to get some new stuff for (Y/N)" Mom replied, to which I simply nodded.

I continued to eat my cereals, when (Y/N) came downstairs... In their pyjamas. "Good morning! Uuh... Sorry if I didn't change into some proper clothes, but I couldn't find the ones I wore yesterday... "

Aww they're so sweet, little do they know we all come to have breakfast in our pyjamas. We only came down dressed properly today because we only thought it was appropriate because of the presence of a guest

"Oh right sorry mon cher, yesterday after I changed your clothes I put them to wash, they were full of leaves and dust.  I'm ironing them right now, just wait a second and I'll give them right to you so you can change" Mom said to them as she passed (Y/N) their clothes.

"Thank you!" They replied and they ran back upstairs. I chuckled at their antics and continued my cocopops (not sponsored).

In a nick of time they came right back down, sat at the table and made themself some cereals.

'Come on America, it's just one innocent yet fatal question' I thought to myself as I picked up my courage to ask her the question. "So, (Y/N), what are your pronouns? Sorry if I didn't ask yesterday"

"It's alright.  My pronouns are she/her and they/them, thank you." She replied.  Wow, she seems quite... Happy I asked her that...

"Okie dokie" I said back as we both smiled


'Wow... No one has ever asked me my pronouns, wow, I feel, considered... Actually comfortable with who I am' I thought to myself as I finished my cereals.

Kiwi grabbed my hand and said with a cheerful smile "we haven't shown you around, have we? C'mon guys, let's give them a tour of the house! "

Aussie picked up French Guiana and we all started walking.

Kiwi, in a tour guide voice, started: "This as you already know is the kitchen, here's the living room, that's the emergency meeting room, which isn't used very often because now we all have meetings at the UN building, for exception of yesterday. And here are the bedrooms.

Mine is here, Ame's is here, Canada's is down there, that's Aussies and right down on the left there's mum and dad's."

Aussie gestures a room "I'm pretty sure you know which one this one is, in case you somehow managed to forget it this is the room you slept in last night" opens the door to the room France had taken you in.

I looked at America, and America looked at me. We both exchanged smirks and no one noticed.

We carry on with our tour and soon enough you got an idea of where everything is.

[Time skip because yes]

"Kids get ready, it's almost time to go" France called from upstairs.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"We're going to the shopping center, love" Britain replied as he took the last sip of his tea. It was his fifth cup this morning.

"Okay, thanks!"I answered back as I ran to room.

I opened the door and ran to the place I last saw my schoolbag.  I spotted it quickly and grabbed it.

I very cautiously emptied it from useless stuff like school books (actually I threw them on the floor)

I picked up my phone and checked the percentage

"69%" I muttered to myself

I giggled as I slipped the phone in the bag and ran down stairs.

I went outside and scurried to the car where almost all the family members were standing outside of.

America invited me to sit next to him, but Aussie tugged my arm so I could go sit next to him in the backseats.

French Guiana started crying because she also wanted to sit next to me.

I approach French Guiana and stroked her on the cheek with my finger.  With that she stops crying and looked at me with her big innocent eyes. "I think I'm going to sit next to her" I said not taking my eyes off her.

"Alrighty then.  Everyone get into these seats or I'm driving off without you" Said Britain letting out a small laugh.

The four brothers got in the car and into their seats rather quickly, as if they took what their father said seriously. 'Wait a minute what if he... Nah. He wouldn't possibly leave his own family members behind like that, right...?'

I decided not to question it further more and get in the vehicle before I was really left behind.  As I sat down I did my seatbelt and looked at French Guiana, she looked back at me. "Hellow there, it's me again" I said with a stupid smile.

She smiled a toothless smile and started chewing on a toy that had been given to her earlier. This made me laugh: I reminded me of when Grace was a little baby.  I had to take care of her a lot because my parents were out a lot because of work.

"Right then, is everyone settled down? Good cause we're going now. We're already late" and with that, Britain started the engine and drove down the driveway and onto the road.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  A/N: sorry for the wait, I had writer's block and was very... Busy... *looks menacingly at a pile of books containing unfinished homework* hopefully I'll be able to write and update more often, and write more words.

Also, sorry if the chapter is shorter than the last two...

[Word count: 1316]

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