Chapter 10

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I wake up the next day feeling well rested, I sit up and stretch a bit and drink some water. I feel weirdly relaxed, like... as if everything were so peaceful. I get changed into a comfortable outfit and walk towards the door. As I place my hand on the doorknob a thought crossed my mind. I turn around and go to my bedside table, open the draw and pull out the ring that got me here.



Because of all the commotion recently, I haven't been able to take a look at it properly, nor exactly understand how it brought me here. I only remember I was crying, that thing glowed and I woke up on the ground.

I examine it more carefully, but I don't notice anything peculiar about it. It just looks like a normal ring. But it's not. That shit slapped me into another bloody place, which at this point I think is a completely different dimension. I have to admit, it is very pretty though. It's silver and has a turquoise rhombus shaped gemstone on it.

I slip it on my finger and exit my room. I enter the kitchen and greet everyone and get myself some breakfast. France is feeding French Guiana some scrambled eggs, Kiwi and Canada are arm wrestling, Ame is eating some cereals and Britain is drinking some tea and reading the newspaper on the sofa.

I start eating very slowly, I just don't feel too hungry. Ame notices this. "Are you alright?" He asks. "Hm? Oh yeah I'm fine, don't worry, just not too hungry" I laugh it off. He nods "are you gonna... Finish that?" He points at my plate. I giggle and pass it over to him. "Nah you can have it" I reply as I pass the plate over to him.

"So... y/n..." Britain starts as he folds his newspaper. "Sorry if this comes off as rude, but how did you uh... get here? Here I mean... in our dimension" he continues.

"Oh, well I actually got brought here by this ring, long story short I was having a breakdown and this thing glowed and zapped me here" I slip off the ring so the others could take a better look.

Britain spat his tea out, Ame choked on the remains of my breakfast, France froze, Canada stopped arm wrestling and stared at it, Kiwi took the opportunity to slam Canada's hand down. He looked at me, then the ring, then back at me, then his family, then back at the ring.

I looked at everyone, confused. "Uhh.... is there something wrong?" I questioned them. "No no... We um.." Britain cleared his throat "it just looked familiar, that's all... yeah?" He continued. Everyone else (except kiwi, the only one being kinda normal about this) muttered in agreement and continued doing what they were doing before, just feeing a more uncomfortable than before. I put the ring back on as I look at kiwi and he shrugs at me.

After a minute or so Aussie walks down the stairs. "Morning!" He says cheerfully, unaware of what just happened. He then turns to France "Mum, I'm going out, is that alright? And before you ask, yes I've already had breakfast". "Alright hun, text me though, alright?" She replies, still trying to feed French Guiana her egg. Aussie nods and runs down the stairs to France and gives her a kiss on the cheek and does the, same to Britain. He then turns to me.

"Hey y/n, want to come with me? You can meet Cyprus if you like" he asks me with a smile. "Really?" I reply, a bit surprised. I didn't expect him to ask me that, and honestly I half expected him to give me a kiss too. "Yeah! So? Do you wanna come?" He asks again. "Yes! One minute let me just go get my stuff" I respond and I run upstairs excitedly to get my bag. I was really happy to be meeting a new country, especially an underrated one. In all the stories I've ever read I have not seen nor heard of them once. Like, ever.

I burst into my room, get my bag, take my phone off the charger and throw it and a few other things I probably won't need in the bag and rush downstairs to the door where Aussie was waiting for me. I turn around and wave to the others "see you all later!" I semi-shout as they wave and say goodbye to ne back. Aussie opens the door for me and says "after you, m'lady" and bows a bit. I giggle and blushed a tiny bit at his actions and I thank him as I leave the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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