Chapter 9

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HELLOOOOOOO I'm back from my break. So, I don't really remember where I was going with this book, so I'll just go with the flow

(Also I'm using the website on my phone, so what I can do is kinda limited) 


Y/N pov:

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside. It was morning- no, daytime. The sun was high in the sky and a fresh breeze blew in from my open window. I slowly get up and out of bed, feeling nauseous because of the lack of food. I hadn't had any dinner yesterday, and I still haven't had breakfast, so I wasn't really surprised that I was hungry. I get washed and and then get changed into the first outfit I see and walk up to the door. As I place my hand on the doorknob I think to myself: "once I open this, there's no going back. Get ready for the questions." I took in a deep breath, turned the doorknob, pushed the door open and... knocked over on the ground. 

I groaned as I rubbed the spot where my head hit the wooden floor. I sat up and looked at the person who collided with me. "Canada?" I said with my raspy morning voice. "Ouch... Wait" he looked at me "Y/N?!"

Without giving me time to neither get up nor respond, he tackled me in a hug. "Y/N I'm so glad you're here! What happened back there? Why didn't I see you come back in? Was everything alright in the hospital?? Did yo- mmph" I placed my finger on his lips. 

"Shh yes I'm fine, don't worry. Keep it down though, if everyone hears you then they'll all run over here, and I don't want everyone swarming at me with questions all at once. I get kinda anxious" I semi-whispered. 

He looked taken aback at my sudden gesture and outburst, but he looked at me in the eyes for a second and nodded. Then he looked down at my finger, still pressing against his lips. "Ah right, sorry" I said as I moved them away. We both chuckled lightly, blushing a bit in embarrassment. Canada let go of the hug (yes, we were hugging that entire time) and got up, then offered me his hand to help me get up too. We both smiled at eachother, looking into eachother's eyes and-

"What the hell is going on-" 

We both spun around to see Aussie staring at us holding a glass of lemonade, sipping at it occasionally. He had assisted the whole thing. I can't believe I didn't notice him standing there this whole time. 

A couple awkward moments of silence passed, him staring at us, and us staring at him. 




"...I don't know what I just assisted, but I'm glad you're back Y/N" Aussie said, breaking the silence once more. He added a smile and walked up to me and hugged me too. 

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