chapter 8

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[The next day]

I had a pretty chill morning on the day I left the hospital: I was woken up by Belgium and she told my to get dressed quickly because I still had some other stuff to do before checking out of the hospital. We did some more tests and I packed my stuff.  I sat down on the uncomfortable hospital bed as I waited for Belgium to say I could go. I looked around the room one last time as I thought 'I definitely will NOT miss this place'.  I glanced towards where Afghanistan was last night, she wasn't there anymore, and neither was her bed, I can only assume she was taken away by the doctors in the middle of the night.  Then I looked at where Antartica and Greenland were. Antarctica was taking a small nap and Greenland was on his phone.

I opened my phone and at that very moment I received a notification saying that I had been added to a group chat, so I clicked on it.

The chat:

Hiya! >

<Maple moron: Hi Y/N! We've added you to our group chat

<America Fuck Yeah: No shit Sherlock

<Good eye might: Thanks captain obvious

<Kinda awkward kiwi: No, really?

<Frog: No fucking way

<Maple moron: -_-

<Maple moron: also, who changed our names?

<Frog: yeah, I don't like mine


<Good eye might: Ame changed them, then I changed mine back.

<Kinda awkward kiwi: Thanks for changing ours back too <3

<Good eye might: Yw <3

Umm can you guys tell me who is who? >

<Maple moron: I'm Canada, as you might have guessed

<Frog: I'm France

<America Fuck Yeah: America

<Kinda awkward kiwi: Kiwi/New Zealand

<Good eye might: Aussie

Why are you called good eye might? >

<Good eye might: because you can't say it without sounding Australian

.... >


America Fuck Yeah: lmao


I turned my phone off as soon as Belgium popped her head through the door asking if I'm ready to leave.  I nodded at her and she nodded back at me. Wow what a meaningful conversation ✨

By this time Antarctica had woken up and was reading the newspaper, and Greenland was still on his phone, giving occasional glances to Antarctica. I stood up and nervously walked over to their side of the room. Oh how I hate saying goodbyes, they can be so awkward... And sad...

"Hey umm... Guys? " I started, trying to get their attention. "I've been dismissed, so now I have to go home... It was really nice meeting you two" I closed my eyes 'I really don't want to do this' I thought.

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