Chapter 5

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Y/N POV (again)

I was surprised at the content of the letter.  Well, you be honest surprised isn't quite the word I'm looking for, it's more like a 'I'm lost for words' situation. 

Anyways, I didn't quite know how to react, on one hand I was relieved I wasn't going to get murdered, unlike a certain fanfiction  where I was almost murdered several times.  But this isn't a fanfiction, this is real life, right?




But on the other hand they might think I'm up to no good. Well that just won't do.  I can and I will prove myself useful and NOT a threat to the others.  I'll do what everyone does in every Y/N story when they have to prove themselves useful: clean someone else's mess.

So I left my room and went downstairs to look for something to clean.  Much to my dismay, everything was perfectly clean, not to mention nobody was in sight.  Not a single thing out of place. "Well that's unfortunate" I muttered to myself as I walked to the kitchen.  On the table there were still all the shopping bags from our trip earlier.

Then my micro sized brain clicked.

"I'll put all these things away!" I shouted.   The meeting room door was opened by Britain, poking his head out.  "Did you need anything dear?" He asked with a warm smile. I realized I may or may have not interrupted a meeting and quickly responded with "Oh no no, sorry".  I nervously smiled and he just nodded and did the "ok" gesture with his hands (👌).
I don't know why but I was a little tense in that moment, I think it was due to the fact that I thought had made him angry for shouting for no valid reason.

I made my way back to the table and unpacked the groceries and other items. I put my unpacked clothes to aside so I could do those later and concentrate on the other things better.

[Time skip]

Operation make myself useful and clean something to prove that I'm just a normal person and think of a shorter name for this operation: complete!
I closed the fridge after I put the groceries away and looked at the photos that were hung there.  There was one where it looks like they went on a family trip to fish at a lake, another where they were celebrating the new year, and another which seemed quite old: in the middle there was Britain, but much younger, and beside him there were another four countries.  Before I could try to identify them, the door opened.  I swiftly turned around in fright, expecting something bad to happen.
Thankfully it was just France, and then I realized that I'm in another world and not back at home.

"Are you alright?  It looks like you've seen a ghost" she said, letting out a small laugh at the end. "Oh yeah I'm fine, just a little jumpy that's all"

France opened her mouth to say something but got interrupted by Britain, who poked his head round the door and said: "I've finished, I'm about to go now"
France turned around and said "Alright, have you got your coat?" whilst she walked towards what I assumed was a closet under the stairs. Britain's eyes widened. "Oh that won't be necessary" he quickly answered.
"Oh don't be silly, it's raining outside of course you need your coat" she answered back.
"Darling wait-"

Too late

France opened the closet door and an enormous amount of stuff fell right on top of her, making her fall on the floor, this was followed by an enormous crash and a shout.  America, Aussie, Kiwi and Canada holding French Guiana came running down the stairs.
"Is everyone ok?!" America asked in a very panicked tone.  France shot up from the pile of junk.

"What is this?" She demanded. "Wait... Is this...  IS THIS THE STUFF YOU SAID YOU TIDIED UP BEFORE Y/N'S ARRIVAL?!"

"Weeeeeell I've really got to go now, byeseeyoualllater!" Britain snached French Guiana from Canada and rushed turns the door, with the boys not far off behind him.

"OH NO YOU DON'T" France grabbed Britain by the collar of his shirt  and yanked him back. Unfortunately for the others, the door was locked and Britain had the keys so they had no chance of escaping.  "You'll leave when you've finished tidying up.  I cannot believe you all lied to me. "

As for me, I just witnessed it all in complete shock. 'Is this what happens every day when I'm not here?' I thought.

France turned to me and said in a sweet and calm voice: "Sorry about that, this doesn't normally happen" she sighed and took French Guiana out of Britain's hands.  The boys started tidying up, and I reluctantly joined them.   When they noticed me helping them, they stopped after stared at me.  After a few seconds I felt my anxiety kicking in when I noticed they were staring.

"Y/N, not to be rude, but what are you doing?"

I felt my heart beat faster and I started to panic.  I was breathing heavily and my hands were trembling.

"Y/N? Is something the matter?"

I felt like throwing up. "I j-just wanted to help" I didn't realize I was breathing so heavily that I started to feel dizzy. "I just wanted to help, really don't hurt me"
Tears streamed down my face as flashbacks of me getting hit came back at me like an avalanche.  I protectively held my head as I saw more and more flashbacks.  My vision got blurry and I couldn't concentrate on looking at anything properly.  I closed my eyes, hoping it would make everything feel better.

"Y/N!" I heard multiple voices shout.

And everything was black.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: HEYO! Did ya miss me?

Probably not.


Anyway sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to get this published.  What do you think of this book till now?

I was thinking, should Y/N need glasses? They don't have them now, but just to see if I need to give her some in the future.

See you whenever I get an idea for the next chapter! :")

[Word count: 1046]

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