Chapter 4

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We entered the mall, I soon noticed that it was a very lively place.  There were hundreds of different shops, and each and every one of them was unique: each of them had features of of a certain country.

"Y/N, welcome to Pangea mall" Aussie said with a cheerful smile.  "It's amazing" I replied. "Where do we go first?"

"I think we should take you to get some clothes, these ones seem a bit old" France said.  She was right, I've had these clothes for a very long time; I actually don't remember the last time I got some new clothes. Or entered a clothes shop.

She turned to her husband sand said: "you and the kids go buy the stuff we were supposed to get yesterday. Except for Canada, he's coming with us.  Anyway here's the shopping list.  Have fun!"

As soon as Canada heard his name he froze as if he had been shot.  His bros came to him and hugged him as soon as France turned her back. They occasionally whispered "I'm sorry it had to be you bro" "we'll never forget you" and "you're going to make it, don't worry"

'Wow they really don't want to stay with me' I thought and cried internally.

"Come on!" France exclaimed in a happy tone as she dragged me towards a shop.

As we entered I gasped.  I had never seen so many clothes in one place!

France (finally) let go of my wrist and went to get something.

Canada looked at me.  I looked at him.
"Why didn't you want to come with us? Do you hate me already?"

My sudden question surprised him a bit, but he just started laughing. "Oh no no no, it's not that.  We don't hate you, it's just that I need some new stuff and I'm not in the mood for shopping today."

"You don't like getting new things?"

"No, I mean, it's okay when I go alone but when I go with mum we take hours"

"Oh" I replied.  Whenever I got the chance to get something new I always got super excited.

France came back with a few clothes and pointed to a nearby dressing room and told me to try the stuff on whilst she went to get some stuff for Canada.

[Time skip because yes]

I tried everything on, and everything fit.  Out of everything this was my favourite outfit:

  Out of everything this was my favourite outfit:

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Hang on, how did she know what size I was?

I went out of the dressing room and found France chatting with the cashier whilst she was putting some stuff in some paper bags.  Canada was next to her on his phone.

I quickly realized that she must be waiting to pay so I ran towards the till, almost tripping in the process, and placed all my items there.

"Do you like the stuff I got you?" She questioned.

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