Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sound of some beeping. I had my eyes half open and everything was much more blurry that it normally is, so I didn't bother to look at where I was. The sound felt almost soothing with it's rhythm. I gently drifted off to sleep again.

After a minute or so of enjoying that beeping sound I quickly came to the realization that it was strangely synchronized with my heartbeat. I shot my eyes wide open and sat up and looked at my surroundings. I was in a hospital room. The beeping sound, which was actually an Electrocardiogram, became faster and faster, and it wasn't so pleasant now that I knew what it was.

I looked around the room more carefully and noticed another two patients and what u supposed was a visitor. One had a blue flag with what looked like the Antarctic territory (🇦🇶) on top of it. Beside him there was another country, who I quickly recognized as Greenland thanks to my almost impeccable knowledge of flags.

In the other patient's bed was Afghanistan, she looked like she was resting. I looked around more and noticed Germany and Russia playing thumb war. They didn't even notice I was conscious again. Awesome. I've been forgotten.


I looked back at Antarctica and Greenland, who looked at me and then at Russia and Germany. They looked back at me and back at them. Greenland coughed to get Germany and Russia's attention, it worked and they stopped and looked straight at him. Antarctica gestured at me with like Khaby does.

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Only THEN did the two clueless countries look at me and only THEN they realized I was conscious.

"(Y/N) !" They both exclaimed and ran over to me. "Russ, go get the others and tell them she's awake" Germany ordered, to high Russia responded with his incredibly deep voice: "Nobody gives me orders. Except my dad" he whispered that last part so Germany couldn't hear and he then crossed his arms. Germany on the other hand just raised an eyebrow and stared at him. "... Ok I'll go. " Russia said feeling defeated by a country two thirds of his size (in height). He left and me, the other patients and Germany were alone. The room was awkwardly silent, which made me a little anxious.
I saw Antarctica gesture something to Greenland, who just nodded and whispered something to him. Whatever it was it made him giggle. Germany, who had also watched this very silent conversation, looked at me and shrugged.

"Am I going to get in trouble?" I broke the silence. "What?" He looked at me flabbergasted. "Am I going to get in trouble for this?" I asked again, expecting him to react furiously.
"No... You won't. What makes you think that?" 'Finally I can tell someone about it' I thought. "I-" I was interrupted by Russia, Britain, France, Canada, Ame, Aussie and Kiwi who was holding French Guiana burst into the room and ran towards me. This scared me a lot, in fact I almost fell out of bed when they came in because of the racket. Even Antarctica and Greenland were started and Afghanistan woke up, but she looked at the countries around my bed and shrugged it off as if it was something that happened every day.
I was bombarded with questions like: "Are you alright (Y/N) ?" "What happened to you?" "Do you feel alright now?" "Do you need some water or anything?".

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