Chapter 2

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"Guys, meet (Y/N)" Canada said. I gave a nervous smile and waved. I looked at the big variety of countries, and spotted what I supposed was France. She got up and hugged me "are you alright?? I'm sorry about before. I'm France" she said, almost whispering. "Yes, I'm fine thanks France" I replied, not really knowing what to say.

"Howdy, I'm America" America pushed down his glasses and winked at me. My cheeks dusted pink at the sight of this.

"I'm Australia, but call me Aussie" Aussie said with a cheerful smile.

"I'm New Zealand, but everybody call me Kiwi. This is French Guiana" Kiwi moved French Guiana's hand to make it seem like she was saying hello.

[Time skip to after everybody else's presentations]

Now some countries went home, so there only a few left still in the meeting room.
"So," Germany started "what are we going to do with her? Where is she going to stay till we figure out how to get her home?"
"I vote we get to keep her, after all we found her" America said. "No, you only want to keep her to yourself," Russia stated, "I should take her in with my family". Then everybody started chattering about who I get to stay with.

"What about us? We have a lot of room at our place" Philippines said. Now the chattering became fighting. Madagascar stood up and slammed her hands on the table "Why don't we all take it in turns? Every week she moves in with a different country/country group. Then everybody gets a turn with her and there will probably be no fighting. Sounds good? "She said in and annoyed tone.

Everyone was silent then muttered in agreement. "Then it's settled. (Y/N) you choose who to stay with for the first couple of days, then we'll organize the rest" she Everyone turned to me and stared, some even glared and I felt the weight of this decision. "Umm... " I started "it really doesn't make a difference to me, as long as I'm alive and have a roof over my head". Some countries chuckled. "We'll the if it doesn't make much of a difference, we'll take her in for a while" Britain said.

I let out a sigh of relief as the countries stopped staring at me, although some were still glaring at me.

After the other countries left, I looked up at Canada and said "Uuh, you can let go of my hand now" "o-oh sorry, I didn't realize you were still holding onto me... " he blushed as he let go of my hand.

'Excuse me? You were the one holding onto me almost this entire time' I mentally replied.

We all walked out of the meeting room and everyone went in different directions. I was hungry so went to find the kitchen. After all, I hadn't eaten in a while.

I went to explore the house, ''man, this house is huge... '' I muttered to myself. Eventually I found the kitchen and found Canada near the cooker making pancakes.

"Oh, (Y/N) I was just about to call you, as I promised here is something to eat. I hope it's alright" He went to what I assumed was the dining room placed a plate full of pancakes on the table. He then set the table, looked at me and said "the big one's for you"

I looked down at the pancakes, they smelled delicious. I could almost taste them...

I looked back at Canada and smiled softly "T-thank you" was all I could say. He blushed and said "right then, I'll go call the others" and hurried off as if he was running away from something.

I looked at the pancakes again, "maybe I could snatch a piece? No, I have to wait for the others". As soon as I finished the sentence the others came in, I silently prayed they didn't hear me.

" Hungry eh, (Y/N)? " America said with a smirk. 'GOSH DARN IT THEY HEARD ME'. "It's alright, dig in" he said with a chuckle.

We all ate our pancakes, on each one there was a generous amount of maple syrup that would have given you diabetes just by looking at it, for exception of French Guiana, who was happily playing with her food in the high chair.

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