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Zayn's POV

Five deep breaths as I sat on the edge of my bed in my hotel room.

Ten deep breaths as I walked across the hall to Harry's room where all the boys were.

Twenty deep breaths as I opened the door and saw all of my band mates laughing and writing new music for our... their fifth album.

I looked at them, but mostly my eye caught on Niall who was laughing and singing words to a song I knew they had just written, wearing only a pair of white boxer briefs and socks. God, he's beautiful. The way he smiles like there's nothing to worry about. He laughs like there's no one that wants to control him. But mostly, the way his eyes light up when he sees me. I know it's not true that he feels that way about me, but I still want to think it's true.

I take small, ridged steps deeper into the room and soon all boys eyes are on me. It's just the five of us in the room, so I know this will be easier to say than in front of our crew members. My boys deserve to know this first, maybe they can talk some sense into me or maybe I'm making the right decision. I'm hoping for the later.

"You come to help us? This album is going to be sick!" Liam says and reaches over to poke Niall in the stomach. Niall slaps at his hands and looks at me to protect him from the assult. A knot forms in my throat because I love taking care of him and making him happy and safe, but with what I'm about to say is going to ruin that.

I shake my head and take one small step closer to the boys and look all of them in the eyes. Louis looks like he sees there's something wrong, where Liam doesn't make much eyes contact with me because he's too busy bothering Niall. Niall is looking at me with so much hope in his eyes as well as something else I can't put a name on. Harry is smiling at me, but I see in his green eyes there's an uneasiness to him.

I take my last deep breath before I decide it's now or never. They need to know what I'm going to do. After almost five years of being band mates, best friends and brothers I'm doing something that will most definitely alter that. But, there's nothing holding me back now and I need to do this. It's just time for me to do this.

"I'm leaving the band."

A/N: well... I hope yall are ready for this if this actually gets any reads. I want to write this, but I need feedback if I should continue. This is just the prologue so this is short, but tell me if it's good and you want more. I love Ziall too much to let the ship die just because of Zayn. Zayn is my love so I can't stop writing about him even if I wanted to. Please tell me how you feel about this! Comment / Vote!
- Bri ;)

Falling Apart (Ziall Horlik)AUWhere stories live. Discover now