Chapter 10

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Niall's POV

A soft kiss to my forehead and fingers making their way up and down my arm is all it took for me to wake up. My eyes opened and I was sure I would see Zayn, but instead I saw Liam laying next to me in a bed I don't even know how I got in.

"Hi." He whispered to me with a sad smile on his face. I didn't know why he was looking at me that way so I just tried to give him a small smile in return, but that's  when I felt the left side of my face start to throb in pain.

At first I was confused of why I felt that, then the memories of last night flooded my mind making my heart feel hollow as my mind replayed all of what happened. I know I'm a guy and I've even been in fights before, but Zyan hitting me was different than any other guy. I guess I thought that when you love someone, you don't hit them. I also thought that was something Zyan would never do. Harry was right, Zyan doesn't love me, but that doesn't change how I feel.

"Why do I still love him?" I asked Liam with a few salty tears sliding down my face. Liam gently reached up and wiped them.

"You've loved him for a long time. I saw that from day one of being in the band. You would try to impress him, or get embarrassed in front of him. Sure, then it might have just been a crush, but it became love and after five years of those strong feelings, it's hard to get rid of them. Even after all he's done, it's still normal to love him." I didn't know if I should be relieved by Liam's words, or feel like I was crazy so I didn't the only logical thing. I started crying.

Liam pulled me so I was laying flat on his body then ran his hands over my back. I just continued to cry and let all my feelings out through my tears. I don't know where the thought came from, but it was one that made me cry even harder.

I thought of how disappointed my mum would be that I ever let anyone treat me the way Zayn did. I thought of all the times when I was growing up she would sit me down and tell me what makes a good relationship. I remember how I told her about maybe liking Zayn when I was in the X Factor and she told me that it was fine as long as he treated me the way I would treat myself. But the thing is, Zayn changed since the X Factor. We all did, but his change was negative.

I heard a tap on the door and it open just a bit. I stopped my crying, but the tears kept coming.

"Liam, you lot have an interview today in the conference room down stairs in two hours. I have to do all you're hair, so shower and come to Louis' room." Lou's voice spoke into the room.

"We'll be there in a few minutes. Make sure to have make up in Niall's color ready." Liam told her back. After I heard the door close, I climbed off of Liam and sat beside him on the bed. He sat up, then used his fingers to wipe the rest of my tears.

"Let's shower then we can go deal with you're pretty face, okay?" I nodded and let him help me out of bed. I looked down and saw I was only wearing boxers. I heard Liam clear his throat and looked up at him to see he was blushing.

"I got you out of your clothes last night. Sorry, just, you had blood on them and you smelt like sweat from the concert and-"

"Li, it's fine. Thank you." I told him with a lopsided smile because of the left side of my face hurting.

"Right, well I'll let you shower first and go get your suitcase from your room." I took one step away from the bed and my knee gave out. Liam caught me before I fell, then sat me back down on the bed.

"My knee... Last night-"

"I'll go get your brace and someone to look at it." Liam told me, but when he was about to leave I grabbed his hand so he would stay. When I'm in any pain, I'm just a big baby and don't want to be alone.

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