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Zayn's POV

As I stood backstage at the boys last concert of the On The Road Again Tour, I couldn't help but feel so much pride towards them.

They pulled this thing together like they were expecting it to happen all along. If anyone says those four boys are anything short of being true artists, I will be the first one to throw a punch for them.

They truly sound amazing. They look so happy, but I always keep feeling something in my heart and my body when I see them run around and make jokes with each other on stage. It's like something in me is empty and needs to be filled again.

After I left the band and went to get some help, I started to live my own life away from the image I created by being in One Direction. It was the weirdest thing for me to go out in the world and not have people look at me like they saw the birth of Christ. I enjoyed it, sure. That helped Niall and I be able to sneak around allot easier when he got time off, but it was still weird to get used to.

At first, I was worried about Niall. He wasn't the same Niall I left in that bed the day I changed my life forever. He wasn't the same Niall that I would sneak into his room when I started having a panic attack. This new Niall was so much more grown up. He was strong and mature, with a bit of trouble to him. He changed allot, but it wasn't for the better always.

He fell down into a deep hole if depression for a while and would act for the audience. No one would ever guess Niall would be depressed. He would pretend to be alright, but I heard in his voice over our phone calls he was far from being alright. He was broken.

That's why I started to go visit him whenever I could or he would fligh out to London to spend time with me. Our relationship grew stronger than either of us ever expected just by that time spent together and soon I found myself on one knee asking to be his forever.

As the boys ran off stage after finishing their final song that I may or may not have been singing along to, I stepped behind some people rushing towards them with new shirts and water.

Niall's eye caught mine and he smiled his biggest smile ever, gesturing me to go to the boys. I shook my head and stayed standing back while they all got situated.

I watched them laugh about what happened in stage. I saw them share all of our inside jokes and have a small banter about whether or not Liam's voice cracked in his solo. Watching them reminded me of all the good times we shared and all the laughs that could never be replaced.

"Zayn, get your flat arse over here and hang out with your boys!" Louis yelled at me with a huge smile on his face. I slowly walked to them and slipped my hand into Niall's, giving it a gentle squeeze.

I guess time makes the heart grow fonder, as well as the mind grow wiser. I'm ready for this now. There's no leaving this time.

"You boys did amazing, but there is one thing I want to ask you guys to try to maybe make it sound a bit different." All four of them looked at me like I just grew a head or told them Niall was pregnant. They know me to never suggest anything or be critical towards their performances. I smiled and soon they did too after I asked the question that had been heavy on my mind for a while.

"Do you think there can be a fifth member in One Direction?"

A/N: now it's really over! Obviously this is what I wish would happen, but it's whatever haha thanks again for reading! Go read my new book called Sinful Love! Comment / Vote!
- Bri;)

Falling Apart (Ziall Horlik)AUWhere stories live. Discover now