Chapter 8

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Niall's POV

After crying for a bit, Liam came back and cuddled up with me. It wasn't really what I wanted, but it made me feel better.

"Why are you always crying? You're so happy, then you just get so upset. Tell me who keeps making you cry." Liam begged me quietly. I knew that I couldn't tell him because we're all friends here and it would sound like I'm bad mouthing Zayn. I don't even think that the way Zayn treats me sometimes is a bad thing. He has allot going on and he doesn't always talk about things because he's so quiet. It's a good thing he's expression how he feels, even if it hurts me.

"I'm fine. No one is hurting me." I lied, but I saw in Liam's eyes he knew I was lying. He looked over the seat I was sitting in over in Zayn's direction.

"It's Zayn, isn't it? You two have something going on  or you're just messing around, and he's being a dick to you." Liam assumed. The only thing I could do was nod, then hide my face in his chest while more tears fell.

"Nialler, the other night... Did he give you all those bruses?" The minute Liam asked me this, I knew if he knew the truth Zayn would end up being beaten bloody. I shook my head and continued to cry because I can't help it to be honest. It's just something I do when I feel any type of emotion other than happy. If I'm angry, I cry. If I'm frustrated, I cry. Even if I'm hungry I cry.

"You don't have to lie for him. We all see his attitude and how much he has changed since tour started. We all see it and hate it. Don't lie for him because this isn't healthy for you to go through. You have to stop doing this before it gets abusive and you think everything he does has an excuse. I love you, more than I love my own sisters, and I want you to get out of this." Liam told me seriously, yet he had a sweet tone to his voice. I knew I should just end this with Zayn because it's not like I'm his boyfriend, or like I'm his only love, I'm more like his emotional punching bag. I know I should end it, maybe if I didn't love him so goddamm much then I would.

"I can take care of myself more than anyone gives me credit for. Thanks, Li. Do you mind us though?" I asked him quietly as I wiped the last of my tears. Liam let out a chuckle and shook his head.

"All the years I've known you both I always thought something could happen, but you're both so straight it's incredible. What I'm not okay with is that he didn't tell us he ended it with Perrie." I winced at his last sentence, then shook my head. His loving smile dropped and turned into an expression that I've seen on his face more times than I can remember. Liam is now in daddy mode, completely serious and not going to put up with shit.

"He's cheating on Perrie with you? He didn't end it with her and you're still letting him use you-"

"He's not using me, he told me he loves me. I haven't talked to him about that because he gets mad so easily. He's not using me though, Zayn wouldn't do that." I defended myself and Zayn. Liam shook his head and put a hand on my knee.

"End this now before it gets ugly. It's already bad, he's cheating on his fiancé, he probably hasn't even given you a label and he takes his emotions out on you. Just take time and think about how this is even good for you." I nodded then curled up, resting my head on his lap. I felt him place a hand in my back, then heard him huff.

"What am I going to do with you?" He asked, but I just closed my eyes and didn't answer so I could maybe get some sleep. That's all I needed at the moment. I also needed Zayn, but he's busy being stressed and not enjoying himself.

Half way through the flight I felt Liam move from where I was laying on his lap to go to his own seat, but I just ignored it and tried to go back to sleep only to be woken seconds later by someone run their hand over my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw Zayn with tears rolling down his cheeks and a sad smile on his face.

Falling Apart (Ziall Horlik)AUWhere stories live. Discover now