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Later, in studio.
When Violetta and Federico walk studio in, Y-mix was already waiting for Fede.
Marrotti (idk how you write that😂): Ah, Fede, there you are. We are leaving in 15 minutes!
Fede: Thats okay.
Then Fede looks startled.
Violetta: Whats wrong, Fede?
Fede: I forgot my suitcase at home!
Marrotti: What? But we have to get ready now you can't leave anymore!
Violetta: Don't worry, i can take it home! I'll be back in five minutes.
And she runs home.
Five minutes later she was back with Fede's suitcase.
Fede: Thank you so much, Vilu!
He hugged her.
Marrotti: No time for love! We leave in ten minutes!
Fede let Vilu go.
Marrotti: Federico, i want to see you in the touringbus in..
He look at his watch.
Marrotti: three minutes! So fast see goodbye to you're friends!
And Marrotti and crew leave to the bus.
Fede hug everybody amd people wish him luck.
Fede: Hey, where is Leon?
Vilu realize she did not see him today. She was happy with that. She don't want to talk to him.
Violetta: You really have to go now, Fede.
Fede: You're right, Violetta. Bye everyone!
Everybody: Goodluck Fede!
Just a few minutes later, Vilu see Leon comes studio in.
(So you know, they have no lessons today. The people come to saw Fede leave, they start to go home now.)
When Leon see Violetta, he runs to her. But Violetta fast run away from him. She knows he is faster, so she run to the girls toilet. There she saw Fransesca.
Leon (on the other side of the wall): Vilu, please come out!
Fran: Hmm, most girls who come running in here have very needed quite to the toilet, but i think you are on the run for you're boyfriend.

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