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When Violetta come home, she see Olga packing last things for her vacation.
Violetta: Hello Olga.
Olga: Hello baby!
Olga hugs Violetta.
Olga: My cab is here in 15 minutes! I'm so exiting! I can't believe i really go to Hawaii.
Violetta: You deserve it, Olga. You work so hard... Have a nice vacation!
Olga: Thank you baby. But what if i be lonely? I go by myself, no one else or something maybe i...
Violetta: Olga, it will be good. Maybe you will met some friend there! But hey, don't forget to send me a picture of you with a coconuttop and a hoelaskirt!
Olga laufgs.
Olga: Oh little girl, i'm gonna miss you! But i come back at thursday, one day before you're birthday. Just like German and Robero and Federico.
Then they here a car stop before the door.
Olga: Oh! I have to go! Bye honey! I love you!
Olga hugs Vilu.
Violetta: I love you to Olga, have fun!
And then Olga leaves.

That evening, at half past ten, Vilu put on her pyjamas and take the latchkey, to lock the house so she can go to sleep. But then she slipped over the ice-cream Olga had spilled, fall down of the stairs with her head to the metal table...

What do you think whats gonna happen? Sorry for shortness, more tomorrow💗

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