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Wow part 16 already💗I don't know how mant parts will come💗

*Next day.
Leon: Goodmorning sweetheart.
Violetta: Goodmorning cutie.
Vilu strokes Leons face.
Leon hugs her.
Violetta: Uh oh.
Leon: Whats wrong?
Violetta: I forgot to call my dad yesterday! Now he must be over worried, i'm gonna call him right now.
Violetta takes her phone and calls her dad. Leon wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
Violetta: Hey dad.
German: Vilu! Why you don't call yesterday?
Violetta: I'm so sorry dad, i totally forgot.
German: Violetta i trusted you! I thought you were responsible!
Violetta starts to panic a little, Leon see it and try to calm her down by rubbing on her arm.
Violetta: Dad i am! Everything is fine i only forgot to call!
German: The only thing i ask is call me everyday! If you can't handle it, than what you can!
Vilu get tears in her eyes.
Leon stroked her hair.
Violetta: Dad i can! I will call you this evening, i promise i won't forgot!
Tears fall all over her face.
German: Better you won't forgot! I'm disapointed in you!
Amd German hung up.
Violetta put her phone away.
Leon takes her into his arms.
Leon: Vilu, calm down. Whats wrong sweetie?
Violetta: My dad is disapointed in me because i did not call yesterday ánd day before. Why do i forgot stupid things like that! I want him to trust me but now he is only disapointed in me!
Leon: Vilu, don't worry. You're dad loves you! If you call him this evenening, he will forgive you. Don't cry, little cutie.
Violetta: You always know what to say to me huh? I love you so much.
Leon: I love you to. Come on, let's go eat breakfest.

After breakfest they go to the studio. Leon had his arm around Violetta's shoulder wgen they walked in. Then Vilu see Fran and Cami walking to them and they take Violetta's arm.
Fran: Hey can we borrow her for a sec romanticist?
Violetta: Aah!
Fran amd Cami pulled Violetta away.
Then Cami takes her arms and Fran her legs.
Violetta: Aah! Girls! What are you doing!
Fran: Sorry Vilu, this is for you're own welness!
Violetta: What welness? Put me down!
Cami: Sorry Leon! She will be back at lunchtime!
Violetta: Waah! See you later Leon! I love you!
Leon: Love you too...
And Fram amd Cami carry Violetta away to the girlstoilet.
Violetta: What was that for?! What do you think of a simple: Hey Vilu, come with us!
Cami: You won't go with us.
Violetta: I will do!
Fran: Oh... Well we had to be sure...
Violetta: Well what do you want to say?
Cami: We want to agree with you today! You're only with Leon last days!
Violetta: Well sorry about that...
Fran: It's okay, we are happy for you. But let's agree after studio.
Violetta: Okay, thats fine. Can i go back to Leon now?
Girls look at eachother and sight.
Fran&Cami: Okay.
Violetta go back to Leon.
Violetta: Sorry for that...
Leon laufg.
Leon: Haha what was it for?
Violetta: They want to agreed after studio today, and they think i won't go with them if i was with you, because i love you so much.
Leon: Haha did they really sayed that?
Violetta: Half. I've added myself that i love you sweetheart.

Hope you guys like it💗

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