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After the kiss Violetta smiled.
Violetta: I'm sorry i did not trust you. Everything you siad... I'm feeling the same about that. I love you so much...
Leon: I love you more sweetheart.
Violetta: Thats impossible.
Leon: Yeah...?
Violetta: Yes!
Leon tickles her.
Violetta: Aah! Stop it!
Leon: Do i love you more than you me?
Violetta: Aah okay okay!
Leon: Good!
Leon take her into his arms and carry her to the couch. Then he put ger into his lap.
Leon stroked Vilu's cheek. Violetta put her head on his chest.
Leon: You're so perfect.
Violetta: Not so perfect as you are.
Leon: You're...
Leons phone rings. He picked it up a little annoyed.
Leon: Yes?
What? Oh no i totally forgot!
Uhh Violetta is here.
Yes we are coming right now.
Violetta: Whats wrong?
Leon: The studio! We have to go to the studio!
Violetta: Oh no! I forgot!
Leon: Me to! If we run we will be there in a few minutes.
Violetta: Okay let's go fast!
Vilu starts to run to the door but Leon intercepted her and carry her while running.
Violetta: Ah! Leon!
Leon: Don't worry, my princes! I will carry you to palace studio!
Violetta laufgs.
A few minutes later they are in the studio.
Violetta: Thanks for the lift, my prince!
Leon: No problem, princes. Let's go to lessons fast.
They are just at time. They go to the rest of the group and then Pablo start talking (what he say is not important for the rest of the story).
After he talked Violetta go to the other girls.
Cami: Why are you and Leon so late?
Nati: Oehh you guys were together?
Violetta: It's a long story girls...
Fran: We have time...
Violetta was not listening, she was looking to Leon, an he was looking to her. Leon smiled at her, Violetta smiled back. The other girls looked were Vilu was smiling on. They see Leon amd smiled to Violetta.
Cami: Okay so you were with him!
Violetta: Yes...
Nati: Tell us everything!
And arm in arm they walked away.
After Violetta tells everything (they were in park now) all the girls smiled.
Fran: So he puts his arm around you eehike you guys were sleeping?
Violetta: Yes! It was so amazing...
Violetta telled about the accident with the stairs and the night she sleeped in Leons house, but nothing about the dairy and the doubts. Maybe she will tell them later...
Later Violetta agreed with Leon in the park. When she came by the bench, Leon was already there. Violetta go sit on the bench next to him.
Leon: Hello beautiful!
Violetta: Hello cutie.
Leon: I was thinking... Last night was perfect. So maybe you can even sleep again me tonight, sweetheart.
Violetta: I would love. And i will take my stuff this time.
Leon: Do you want to go to a cute restaurant? After that we can go to my house, watch a movie or something...
Violetta: That sounds amazing. Pick me up at half seven?
Leon: Ofcourse i will. I'm going home now, make a reservation for tonight. I see you then.
Violetta: Can't wait!

Sorry for boring part, more tomorrow💗

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