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Hey new part already now cause i'm bored💞

Leon: Violetta, please come out! I want to talk to you!
Violetta (whispering to Fran): Say that i'm dead or something!
Fran: Dead? Serious Vilu he just saw you came in here!
Violetta: So? A heartattack or something come on say it!
Fran: Violetta, you're crazy. Why you don't want to talk to Leon?
Violetta: He said to me: i love you Maybel.
With an angry face Vilu looks at the door.
Fran: I will never understand you for 100%. But just go talk to him. There you go!
Without a warning Fran opened the door and pushed Violetta out. In Leons arms.
Leon fast hold her arm so she can't run away.
Violetta: Let me go!
Leon: No, i want to talk to you!
Violetta: Let me go or i'm gonna scream.
Leon puts his hand around her mouth.
Violettta: Hmhmhmhm!
Leon: Sst i only want to talk to you!
Violetta: Hmhmhmhm!
Vilu trys to put his arm away but Leon is so much stronger she can't.
Then Fran came out of the girls toilet.
She see Leon and Violetta and she looks to them with a face like i will never understand this..
Fran: Wow...
Leon don't hold Vilu so strong anymore for a second so she fast put his hand away from her mouth. Than she use Fran as a humanly shield, and run away. Taking Fran with her.
Fran: What the..?
Violetta go sit on a bench in park whem they go far away enoufg.
Violetta: I know what you are going to say. "Talk to him Vilu, it was just a wrong name..!" But i'm freaking not gonna talk to him! Oh, and thanks for being my shield.
Than Vilu walks away, a suprised Fran leaving on the bench.

Sorry for short and boring part💗

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