
613 14 1

Sorry i waited so long with new part, i had no time and no inspiration😁💗

Violetta: Yes, let's go.
*Later in studio.
Violetta knockd at the door of the staffroom.
Pablo: Come in!
Leon and Vilu open the door and walk in.
Pablo: Ah, Leon and Violetta. Are you ready to sing tomorrow, Violetta?
Violetta: Uh... About that...
Then Marotti walks in.
Violetta: Oh Marotti... I'm glad you're here... I have to say something...
Leon takes Violetta's hand.
Pablo: Well tell us Violetta, whats wrong?
Violetta takes deep breath.
Violetta: I... I lost my voice.
Pablo: What?!
Marotti: WHAT?!!
Pablo: Calm down Marotti. Violetta, how can that happen?
Violetta: I guess i rehearsed to much...
He make strainge movings with his hand while he talk.
Violetta gets tears in her eyes.
Violetta: I don't know...
Tears fall down all over her face. Leon wrapped his arm around her shoulder and rubbed her arm.
Pablo: Violetta, calm down. We will found something...
Marotti: Maybe you can... Playback!!
Violetta: But they are gonna see!
Marotti: Maybe we can move it!
Pablo: Yes thats a great idea...
Violetta: Yes but what do we have to say to him? If we tell him i lost my voice maybe he will think thats unprofessional!
Pablo: Yeah thats right Violetta we have to think about what we will say before we call...
Marotti: Hello? Am i talking with the director of Y-mix?
Pablo: Or we just call and don't know what to say now...
Violetta: Marotti what...
Violetta coughs.
Pablo: Violetta? Whats wrong?
Violetta: I can't... I...
She coughs again. Then she try to speak again but she can't anymore...
Leon: Violetta?
Violetta takes a notebook and start to write.
Violetta (writing) : I can't talk anymore, i totally lost my voice now!
Marotti: Yeah ofcourse you can talk to Violetta now!
Violetta showed him the note.
Marotti looks startled to it.
Marotti: ... But not now!
She... She's at the toilet!
No she won't come back.
Why? Because... She... Kwhshsg! I can't hear you bye!
Marotti: Well i did that good.
Violetta (writing again): Yeah ofcourse.
Pablo: Did you moved it?
Marotti: Yes. It's wednsday in two weeks now.
Violetta (everytime i say 'Violetta:' now i mean she is writing): Thats good, i think. But how am i gonna get my voice back?
Pablo: I don't know Violetta... But we will find something, i promise. Oh, here i got something for you...
He gives her a little whiteboard, a pin for it and a eraser for it.
Violetta takes it and write on it.
Violetta: Thanks Pablo :).
Pablo: Hahaha no thank Violetta.

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