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Leon: Hey sweetie, am i disturbing?
Violetta: No, ofcourse not.
Leon: Are you gonna sing that number?
Violetta: I think so... Do you think thats a good choice?
Leon: No, i don't.
Violetta looked startled at him.
Leon: I think it's a perfect choice.
Violetta: Ah Leon! You scared me.
Leon: Sorry. Sing it again, please?
Violetta smiled and stars to sing while Leon was looking to her.
After the song Leon clapped for her.
Leon: Amazing.
Violetta: Thanks sweetie.
Leon hugs her.
Leon: I will leave you alone, so you can rehearse. I love you.
Violetta: I love you too. I will call you tonight okay?
Leon: I'm waiting!
Leon walks away and Vilu goes ahead with rehearse.
*That evening.
Violetta trys to make a lasagne herself. She just puts it in oven when her phone rings. Vilu fast takes it up.
Leon: Hello sweetie.
Violetta: Hello sweetheart.
Leon: How are you?
Violetta: I'm fine, the lasagne not.
Leon: Uuh what?
Violetta: I'm trying to make a lasagne myself, but i think it's gonna be pizza for me tonight.
Leon laufgs.
Leon: Lucky you. My mother is making a dirty fishthing.
Violetta: Poor you. Hey why do you not eat with me? I can use some company, i rehearse all day.
Leon: I would love, sweetie. Yes, no dirty fish for me!
Violetta: Haha! I will... Uh oh...
Leon: Whats wrong?
Violetta: Uuh nothing, the oven smokes a little. A little much. I have to take the lasagne out. Ughugh! Uh, yeah thats gonna be pizza. Unless lasagne have to be black, but i don't think so.
Leon: Hahaha! Okay, i will come now, i'll be there in a few minutes.
Violetta: Ughugh! Can't wait! Love you!
Leon: Love you too!
And he hang up.
Violetta fast throw the lasagne away. A few minutes later the doorbell rings. Violetta opened the door for Leon. Leon hugs her.
Leon: Hello sweetie.
Violetta: Hello cutie.
By Vilu:
•Leon comes in and we ordered some pizza. While were waiting we sing podemos on the piano and sing.•
*After they eated.
Violetta: Hey shall we watch a movie or something?
Leon: Yes, nice.
Violetta: Oh, wait! Before i'm gonna call my dad.
Violetta calls her dad and put the phone on the speaker.
German: Hello? Violetta? Why do you call? Whats wrong? Call the ambulance!
Leon covered his own mouth to stop his laufging.
Violetta: No, everything is fine! Buti had to call you.
German: Oh, uh, yeah thats true. Hey.
Violetta: Hey.
German: So... Uhm... What did you eat?
Violetta: Pizza.
German: Alone?
Violetta: No, with Leon.
German: Is Leon still with you?
Violetta: Uh yes...
German: I want to talk to him.
Violetta: What? Why?
German: Just! Let me talk to him.
Violetta: Okay, wait a second.
Violetta covered her phone.
Violetta: Don't say my phone is on the speaker.
Leon laufged.
Leon: Okay.
Violetta gives her phone to Leon.
Leon: Hello german.
German: Listen Leon, i'm not here so you have to carry about Violetta okay! She says that she is a big girl, that she's responsible bla bla bla.
Violetta looked to the phone like it was a person.
Leon: Uhm... Yes German. Goodluck on you're bus...
German hang up.
Leon: sinesstrip...
Violetta: What does he thinks that i'm not responsible?! I don't get him and i will problably never get him.
Leon: Relax. He's just worried. Come on, shall we watch a movie?
Violetta: Yes. But no horror anymore!
Leon: Hahaha okay sweetie.
And he carry her to the couch.

I hope you all like💗

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