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Sorry i waited so long with new part😣But here it is💗

Violetta start busy writing.
Violetta: Do you have secrets for me?
Andres: I think thats secret...
Maxim covered his mouth.
Leon: No sweetie, i...
Violetta walked away.
*At park.
By Violetta:
•I thought everything was fine with us... I thought that all my doubts about him were wrong...•
Leon was looking for Violetta in park at the same time Vilu was thinking on a bench. Then Leon found her.
Leon: Violetta!
Violetta stands up and walks away when she see Leon.
Leon: Please Vilu, don't run away i can explain it!
Violetta: Okay. Explain why you have secrets. And why they are so important that you ask the boys to lie to me.
Leon: Violetta i swear this is not what it looks like! Come sit.
They go sit on the bench and Leon start talking.
Leon: So what i was going to do is... Rehearse! But not with the boys, i wanted to rehearse the new song on my own once...
By Leon:
•She ask some question but she believe me... I don't want to lie to her but after this all she will understand and will be happy i didn't told her.•
Violetta: Okay, but next time just tell me the truth okay?
Leon: Yes i will... I love you sweetie.
Violetta: I love you too.
Leon: Okay i'm gonna rehearse now...
Violetta: Okay, bye sweetheart!
Leon: Bye!
Whem he turned the corner he started to run. If he's fast he will be right at time.
*That evening.
Violetta's making some food for herself when she hear her phone bleeping.
Leon: Shall we eat together today?
Violetta: That sounds fun, i'm making pasta now, do you want to eat with me?
Leon: Yes, if it's better then the lasagne.
Violetta: Haha, yes it is.
Leon: Okay i'm on my way now sweetie.
Some later the doorbell rings.
Violetta opens the door, taking the whiteboard with her.
Leon: Hello there.
Violetta: Hello here.
Leon hugs Vilu.
Then they go eat dinner. After that Violetta texts her dad.
Violetta: Wait a second, i'm gonna take my phone charger from upstairs, or my dad will be worried if i'm not answering anymore.
By Leon:
•Lucky me, she's gone for a second. I take her phone and write down the number of German. Just when i'm ready i see Violetta came down from the stairs.•

Sorry i know it's bad😩I have vacation now yass i will try to write many parts in the vacation💗

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