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Violetta: I'm sorry, i... i... I can't.
She walks of, still crying.
Leon: Violetta!
But she already closes the door.
By Leon:
•This must be about that whole thing that she thinks i don't love her... She must not think things like that Violetta is the best what every happened to me but how i can tell... Maybe i have to say that i read her dairy by accident i hope she will believe me... But i have to tell i better go to her house now i hope she's there.
Vilu walks fast so when Leon decided to go to her house she was just home. She was still crying.
By Violetta:
Leon now know that something's wrong but i can't tell him i think he don't loves me anymore... But i have to tell someone so i will ask Fransesca if she wants to come now. I have to talk to her i don't want Leon to dump me but i want to be sure for what i got maybe i have to speak with him... But not now i can't...
Then she heared the doorbell. Vilu thinks it's Fran so she opened the door, but it was Leon.
Violetta: Hi Fran thanks for coming i...
Then she looks up and she see Leon.
Leon fast walks in before she can close the door.
Leon: Violetta you don't have to say anything now i just want you to listen now okay?
Violetta: Okay...
By Vilu:
Now he's gonna say... He's gonna tell me he don't loves me anymore... I don't wanna hear this but i can't walk away for the rest of my life.
Leon: Violetta, when i go to you're house to take the clothes, you're dairy lay on you're clothes.
Vilu was suprised. What does this have to do with dumping her?
Leon: So i just wanted to take the dairy of, take the clothes, and put the dairy back. But when i have the dairy, i falled and the dairy falls open at the ground.
Violetta looks up. If this story is gonna end as she think it is...
Leon: I did not want to read it, but i did saw some rules by accident.
Violetta: What?!
Leon: And what i readed... I readed that you think i don't love you anymore. That you think i like that Maybel, who she might be. Well, i will tell you, Maybel is my niece. She's ten years old. So yeah, i do love her, but i don't think it's the kind of love you should be jalous on. Violetta, look at me.
Violetta looked in his eyes.
Leon: You are the best what ever happened to me. To me, you are the beautifulest, nicest, kindest, sweetest and perfectst person from the whole world. You are my everything. I would never love something or somebody more than i love you. I would give up everything for you. Cause for me, the only inportant thing in this life, is being together with you.
And he kissed her softly on the lips for a very long time.

Ohh it's 13st part, unlucky number. Well not for Leonetta :p. I hope you guys all like this part💗

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