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Sorry i waited so long with new part, but here it is soo i hope you like💗

Violetta lay on the ground her head was bleeding she was in pain.
By Vilu:
•I have to call Leon no i'm mad at him but i have no choice i need him my head is still bleeding and it really hurts i have to call him right now•
She takes her phone and calls Leon.
Leon: Vilu i'm so happy you finally call me back! I can explain everythi...
Violetta: Leon... Help me...
Leon: Violetta? Whats wrong?
Violetta: I falled down... Stairs.. Help me please...
Than Violetta's phone's battery was low and the call ended.
Leon was putting on his shoes fast amd then he run to his motorbike. Then he goes as fast as he can to Vilu's house.
The door was open when he trys so he fast go in amd he see Violetta laying at the ground with her head bleeding.
Leon: Violetta!
Violetta: Leon! You're here...
Leon: Ofcourse i am... I will take you to my house ok?
Violetta: Okay...
Leon takes Violetta in his arms and take her to the door. Outside he go sit on his motor.
Leon: Come on my lap, if you sit on the back you might fall again.
He takes Vilu on his lap.
Violetta wrapped her arms around Leon.
Leon: There we go..
They ride to Leons house as fast as Leon can.
When they are there Leon takes Violetta upstairs and put her on his bed. Then he start taking care about her head.
Leon: Thats fixed.
Violetta: Thank you.. For everything..
Leon: You don't have to say thanks..
He go lay on the bed next to Vilu (he was also in his pyjamas) and put the duvet over them. Violetta wrapped her arm around him and Leon hugged her back.
Leon: Vilu?
Violetta (with eyes closed): Yes..?
Leon: Does this means you forgive me?
Violetta: Ofcourse...
Then she fall asleep.

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