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*Next day in studio.
Fran: Vilu, tomorrow's you're birthday already!
Violetta: I know, i can't wait!
Fran: Are you gonna give a party?
Violetta: I didn't think anout that yet... I don't know.
Fran: Okay...
Violetta: But why you ask that?
Fran: Oh well just... Uhm, i'm coming!
And she run away.
By Vilu:
•Everybody's acting weird... Leon yesterday, Fran now... Oh i see Nati caming, maybe she act normal...•
Violetta: Hey Nati!
Nati: Oh, uh, hey Violetta!
By Nati:
•Uh oh... O can't talk to her maybe i tell her by accident...•
Violetta: Everything okay?
Nati: Yes, fine, but i can't talk now... Maxim is waiting for me...
And she run away.
By Violetta:
•Why's everybody acting so weird? Do i did something wrong? Leon, Fran and Nati... And tomorrow's my birthday!•
Violetta gets tears in her eyes.
Leon: Violetta? Whats wrong?
Leon walks towards to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
Violetta: Nothing...
Leon: Don't lie, i see something's wrong.
Violetta: Don't lie?! I think everybody lie's to me!
She walk away.
Leon: Violetta!
He run after her and take her arm.
Leon: What do you mean?
Violetta: Everybody's acting weird to me!
Leon: Who?
Violetta: You and Fran and Nati!
Leon: Vilu i just think you're thinking bad things, nothings wrong!
Violetta: Okay i guess you're right...
Leon: I'm sure i am. I have to go to lessons now, i see you later.
He hug her.
Violetta: Bye...
And Leon goes. When he turned the corner he take his phone and called.
Violetta takes a look at the clock. Then she remember she have to go to lessons too. She start walking and turned the same corner as Leon and hear him talk on the phone.
Leon: Yes. Okay, thank you German.
And he hang up.
Violetta shows him her whiteboard.
Violetta: Did you called my dad?
Leon looks startled to her.
Leon: Uh... No. It was another German! My uncle.
Violetta: Really?
Leon: Yes. He's name's German too.
Violetta: Okay... Let's go to lessons now.
By Violetta:
•I don't know if i have to believe him... It's weird but not impossible that his uncle's name is German. And by the way why would he call my dad? I'm worried about nothing again.•
By Leon:
•Yes, i think she believes me. I hope she will forgive me that i lied... But she will understand it and she will be happy.•

Do you like it? What do you think thats gonna happen? More tomorrow💗

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