The answer

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Angel is then shown grabbing someone's hand "You will not be permitted to have sex unless I give you permission, and if you are not careful, you will become infected with viruses and parasites. I need to purify your flesh after you've had sex to ensure you didn't get anything."

"You will be my food, whenever I want flesh, I will come to you, it doesn't matter where you are, I can track you down," Alastor says, casting a toothy shadow on the spider.Alastor then let go, leaving a cloud of green smog in his wake.

"D̶̳̃̕ȍ̴͖̫͘ ̸͖̖̋w̶͕͌ȇ̷ͅ ̸̥͇̓͘g̶̛̥͚ǫ̴̠̿͝ţ̴̓̑ ̶̙̰̑á̷̖ ̴̢̲͠d̴̲̾e̸͈̿͝ắ̴͚̰l̶̳̬̿̉?"

Angel sat stund, unable to speak, and there was a deafening silence. There were only two options: yes or no.

"When will this contract begin?"

Alastor smiled his most likeable grin.

"The contract is bonded when you die, if you accept it."

Angel nodded.


Angel grabbed his hand and shook it, Alastor's magic wrapping around Angel's wrists until they dispersed into nothingness. Alastor smiled as he patted Angel on the back.

"Get some well-deserved rest, mon chéri."

Angel nodded, and Alastor did appear soft comfiters and thick blankets next to Angel before walking away, wherever Alastor goes.

Angel smiled softly as he looked down at the blankets.

'This feels like the right decision.'

Angel grasped the blanket, choking as hot tears streamed from his eyes. As he clung to the blanket, he began to sob uncontrollably. He's being passed around again, and hopefully this is the last time.He sobbed as he wrapped himself in the blankets, all the trauma, all the heartache being released all at once.

Noone will hurt him.


Angel awoke groggy and irritable; he despised sleeping on the couch and had almost completely forgotten about the Contract.
He sits up and stretches, popping all the joints in his arms before going to the kitchen for some food before-

'What the fuck is going on?'

There was Alastor, making lunch in a 'kiss the cook' apron, except the kiss had been crossed out. He was preparing some delectable-looking but hearty-looking meal.

"Heyyy Al bud, what are you making?"Just some chow my mom had taught me to make when I needed to put on some pounds," Alastor said as he looked at Angel.

Angel came to a halt as he recalled what had happened the night before.

"Is that for-"you? Why of course, it is, dear! Did you think I was lying when I said I'd feed you whatever I wished?"

Angel was completely taken aback by this unexpected treatment, which felt like he was being pampered... Maybe this won't be so bad after all. Angel smiled and went to take a seat.
Alastor quickly finished his hearty breakfast and placed it in front of Angel.

"While you're out getting Val off your back, I'll be going through your clothes, seeing what I want you to wear and what I detest; if I don't know how you look in them, I'll just wait and see when you get back."

Angel nodded, free closet cleaner? Deal. He was strangely pleased with this arrangement; he knows he'll be eaten, but who cares? It can't be as bad as being raped all the time.

Alastor's grin widened as he watched Angel eat his meal, not touching the food he'd prepared for 'himself' because he wants to make damn sure that his taste isn't influenced by anything when he eats.

'Now, where would be the best location? What about the hand? What about the leg? It's probably best to give the finger a shot.'

He knows he doesn't need to try Angel's tissue; the blood he tried after touching Angel's wounds before gave him all the taste he needed. The most important thing right now is to get the texture of his meat right and to make the meat taste better.

Angel finished eating, and it tasted fantastic to Angel. He'd made the best deal he'd ever decided to make.

"May I test you before you leave, dear? Evaluate your taste and pain tolerance."


The deal (radiodust fan fic) Where stories live. Discover now