Not my problem

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They both made it to Alastor's manor and Angel started getting comfortable while Alastor put both their coats on a rack. "So Al, how are you feeling? I'm about to get the scent enhancement spray off of me for you"

"I'm just tired dear and yes, get that off of you"

Angel stuck his tongue out before making his way to the bathroom. While Angel took a bath Alastor tried to read a book... But the weird feeling of himself made it hard to focus. He felt something was different about himself and sighed, closing his eyes.

'Please I need help Petwo... '

After that thought Alastor felt like he just got slammed in the face and reeled back on pain. He looked down and saw a dribble of blood flowing onto his shirt.

"Putain de connard... je ne peux même pas demander des conseils simples, sans te faire dorloter le cul."
(Fucking asshole... can't even ask for simple guidance, without pampering your ass.)

Alastor went into the kitchen and started brewing some coffee, he then put some spicy pepper flacks, gunpowder, and blood in a cup. After the coffee was brew he poured it into the cup with the additives.

He felt himself getting really dizzy and next thing Alastor knew he was on the floor over a piece of paper that had a sentence wrote in his own blood.

-Se pa pwoblèm mwen-

Alastor looked at it, processing the info of the Iwa he's devoted his whole life to is telling him that it isn't their problem.

'You could of told me that before you took over my body... Jerk'

Alastor looked up to see Angel looking at him confused. "Did you fall???? "

Alastor stood up and got into a better posture "um no, it doesn't matter-"

Angel came over to Alastor quickly "you did fall! Look at your face it's all bloody"

Angel touched Alastor's face, wipong some blood off his face and Alastor felt a chill run down his spine. "It's okay, I'm really okay-"

Alastor didn't realized He had Angel's hand in his until he Angel's flushed expression was on his face.Alastor was trying to process what he himself was even trying to do to not realize how close they were.

Alastor shifted and pulled Angel to the living room "let us relax now"

Angel glarred at Alastor "you really pull my strings sometimes... "

Alastor sat down and looked at Angel confused "what do you mean? "

"I mean-" Angel sighed and sat next to Alastor, moving away from him "I don't know what you think, I don't know what you want from me... I can tell you don't want only my meat... But when I thought I nailed it, you change it".

Alastor looked puzzled and moved a little closer to Angel " What do you think I want? "

Angel moved back a little bit "U-Um I do know it's not sexual... I think? May-m-"

"Why do you think that? "


Was all Alastor could hear from his head... But he couldn't, every part of him was making him speak.

Angel felt his face deepen more, and he started getting up, which Alastor grabbed the robe Angel had on so he couldn't run.


Alastor and Angel both from, neither of them expect the creole. Alastor tried so hard to stop himself, he was fighting himself hard.

'Stop this at once!!! '

"Cervo, did you hit your head or something? "

Alastor felt himself stand up

"Do not try to avoid the question Cher"

Angel could feel his heart leaping out his chest as he felt Alastor's hand on his hand.

"I'm avoiding it because you're acting weird, you don't ever want sexual things. You only me to be your food, there's just something there... I don't know what you want! "

Angel felt something click in his head as he smiled a little and snickered. "But it doesn't matter hu? If we're happy then why do we try to label it... Hu? "

Alastor smiled wider "I would very much like to not try to categor ourselves. "

Alastor felt his hand land on Angel's hip and he stepped closer.

Angel and Alastor starred at each other for a minute before Angel grabbed Alastor's face "do you want me to kiss you??? Because of you keep moving your face closer to mine I will start leaning forward again"

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