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Alastor let go of Angel and bag and pacing, combing his fingers through his hair. Angel watched Alastor, worried because of Alastor's worrying pacing.

"Hey b-"Are you stupid, Angel?"

Angel was tooken aback by that question. He felt attacked by that question, a little bit of anger from his pride getting injured.

"Because you can't be this stupid"

Alastor pulled out the pheromone bottle and shoved it into Angel's face


Angel took a step back

"It's perfume-"NO IT'S NOT!! "

Alastor laughed, shoving it into Angel's hands. He started pacing again, his eyes full of static and the a blur of static growing around him.

"Then what the fuck could it be Alastor? It was in a perfume store-"That doesn't make it FUCKING PERFUME!!"

Angel growled at Alastor yelling.

"Do you even know what it says? "

Angel looked down at the bottle, slowly shaking his head.

"It's the reason I've been SUCH A FUCKING DISASTER!!! "I thought you liked the smell! "

Alastor laughed at the poor spider's stupidity. Alastor felt his claws stab his own head, Alastor laughed more.

"No I DID like it. I FUCKING LOVED IT, I loved it on YOU, I couldn't get the fucking HUNGER OUT OF MY SYSTEM, I ate and ate and ate til I vomited, THEN ATE MORE. "

Angel froze, watching Alastor break in front of him. Alastor laughed louder, "That's kind of the FUCKING PROBLEM MA DOUCE"

Angel sighed loudly "Why are you freaking out so much? It's just fuckin-"IT'S HEAT FRAGRANCE FOR DEER DEMONS ANGEL!!!!!!"

They both froze, It took Angel a second for process what exactly Alastor just said. Angel finally register everything and his face suddenly went extremely pink.

"w-..... WHAAAATTTT???!!!! "

Angel covered his mouth, trying so hard not to laugh, or cry. Alastor was quiet, his face covering his eyes.

"That fucking scent has been fucking with my head-"

Angel stopped Alastor from talking "I NEED TO TAKE A SHOWER!!! We can talk after I was the scent off me!! "

Angel ran off, embarrassment fulling him to run fast. Alastor face palmed. "How did you NOT KNOW?! No you come back here Angel!!! "

Alastor followed Angel, trying so hard not to chase him down, even how hard he wanted to. Angel ran into his room, then his bathroom. He shut and locked his door and through all his clothes into the hamper.

Alastor walked into the room and covered his mouth, using his magic to try to take the smell away as much as he could, and he did... Mostly.

Alastor sat on Angel's bed, so fucking tired.


Angel washed himself thoroughly and rinsed himself off. He wrapped a soft towel around himself and walked out, yelping when he saw Alastor sitting on the edge of  the bed, he couldn't see Alastor's face, so he assumed Alastor was awake.

Angel laughed nervously "I'll just umm...get dressed then you can continue yelling at my stupidity... okay? "

When Angel didn't hear anything back, Angel sighed and got into some soft PJ pants and walked over to Angel.

"Al? Did I break you?"

Nothing, Angel shifted, trying to meet his gaze, but Alastor's eyes we're closed... He fell asleep. Angel giggled a little bit "What did you tucker yourself out? Big baby"

Angel laughed and looked around, then at Alastor. Angel knows he never sleeps with his coat on... Sooo Angel wants to help him. Angel shifted and gently laid Alastor onto his back, Angel knew he couldn't touch Alastor too much because he'll wake up...

But this man was out like a light

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