Bleeding -- Spencer Reid

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Hey guys :) I'm finding some old imagined in my drafts and I finished some, so maybe there will be a little more to this :)

Summary - Spencer has been shot and goes to his ER girlfriend for help

Word Count - 800


Working as a nurse in the ER, I worked with all kinds of injuries.
  - Broken bones
  - Back pains
  - Stomache pains
  - A heel to the head
  - Babies who are sick (paired with mothers who are crying)
But not often did I have to deal with gunshots.

Until now.

It was a Sunday, and I was off work. Now you may be thinking.

*How the hell are you working with a gunshot wound then?*

That is courtesy of my lovely boyfriend.

He had told me something went wrong on the case. Which of *course* had me freaking out. But he refused to tell me because he didn't want me to worry. He said he was alright.

But his *leg* that was currently limping into my livingroom said otherwise.

"What happened! You absolute dumbass!" I hurried over to him from my current spot on the couch.

"An unsub shot me..." he leaned into his crutches more, clearly wanting to sink down to the ground. But his injury did jot allow him to do so.

"What the hell Spencer! I thought you were gonna come home and say something like. 'Oh! We got the wrong guy at first, but we fixed it!' Or 'We hit a bird on the jet and it was a travesty.' Not '*Hey* I got shot in the leg and now I'm on crutches!'" He flinched a bit at my words, seeing guilt pour over his features. "Come on, go sit down. Does the wrap need changed?" He nodded bashfully, sitting down with a thud and a wince. I went and grabbed my first aid kit from the kitchen counter and brought it to the couch.

"Take your pants off." Spencer's eyes widened at my forwardness. "Okay nerd, I can't rebandage it if you have dress pants on. Get your head outta the gutter." I smacked the back of his head. "And you act like I've never seen you without them off anyway." I smirked at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Don't freak out when you see it okay? I know how upset you can get when I'm hurt." He soothed. It was kind of a funny thing to be saying as he was just *pulling his pants down* in front of me.

"I'm sure I'll be fine." He now sat in only his boxers. I leaned over him and grabbed the edge of the wrap on his thigh. I had him lift his leg a bit as I started taking it off. It wasn't long until I was down to his actual leg, and I didn't want to tell him, but this was going to hurt.

For some reason, whomever had wrapped him had used *sticky* wrap. And that was a mistake. This was probably going to tear a little at his wound.

"What's wrong?" He asked, scrunching his face a bit. I was obviously not good at hiding my facial expressions. I looked up at him with wide eyes, then back at the bandage.

Then I ripped it off without warning.

"Holy shit!" He leaned forward, holding down the hole in his leg. "What just happened?!" He gasped out.

"I'm sorry baby! Someone must have mistakenly put sticky wrap on you. They used the wrong one to dress your wound. Hold it down while I go get a wet rag." I stood up and headed to the bathroom. I grabbed a black rag and went it with some warm water to make him comfortable.

As I came back to the living room, I saw Spencer standing in the middle of the room. Holding his leg that had lots of blood dripping down it.

"Woah! You're bleeding all over my carpet!" I grabbed his arm and hobbled him to the tiled kitchen.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I don't know what happened. It just started gushing blood."

"It's okay, just sit here." He placed himself on the edge of a dining chair. I stopped the bleeding and *properly* wrapped his leg. He slipped his pants back on and thanked me.

"I'm sorry for worrying you by the way. I just didn't want you to really freak out. Because I was already freaking out." He scratched the back of his neck, balancing on his opposite foot.

"It's alright, I get it." I got him over to the couch. "But how that you're home, and you're all fixed up. Can I have a kiss?" I puckered my lips at him as he chuckled, leaning in and kissing me softly.

"You're lucky I didn't injure anything on my face, what would you do then?" He asked, kissing my jaw then back up to my lips.

"I'm not sure."

And we made out on the couch for quite a while.

With only a few minor bumps to the leg.

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