Sing to Me ~~ Spencer Reid

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Summary - Reader convinces Spencer to go to a bar with her and jealousy ensues. We have Protective! Spencer.

Word count - 1.5k


"No, Y/n, please. You know it's not my kind of thing." Spencer dramatically threw his head back as I tugged his sleeve.

"Please?! Everyone wants to go home and I wanna drink! You're not gonna let me go to the bar all by myself? In the pretty dress that I have in my car?" He glared at me a bit, rolling his eyes.

"Are you really convincing me to go with you so no man harasses you?"

"That's exactly what I'm doing. Please?" I furrowed my eyebrows, sticking my lip out and giving him sad eyes. The full puppy dog look.

"Fine! Alright."

"Yay! Thank you Spencey." I skipped towards the exit.

"Please don't call me that." He whined quietly, trailing behind me.

I hopped into the driver's seat, starting it up as he took the passengers. He slid the seat back significantly farther than it's original placement, which practically had his knees up to him in the fetal position.

"Off we go!" I cheered, pulling out of my parking spot.


"Beamers?" Spencer's eyes squinted at the neon sign that hung above the wooden doors.

"It's a good bar." My shoulders shrugged. "Okay, turn around." I gestured my finger in a circle. "I'm changing into a dress in my car." He snickered, shaking his head and turning around.

"You know you look fine right?" His arms were crossed against his chest.

"I know. But I don't look bar ready." I unbuttoned the last button on my blouse, letting it fall from my shoulders. The black flowy dress slipped over me and I climbed from the car. "I'm decent." I chuckled. He turned to see me shimmying my tight skirt out from under the dress and throwing it in the back window. His face flushed a bit with the smallest smirk. "What?"

"Nothing." Spencer pushed his hair from his face and turned on his heel towards the bar.

"No no!" My hand grasped the hem of his sweater vest. "You are not wearing the in there. Take it off."

"Come on." He groaned, quickly pulling it over his head and throwing it at my face. "Better?" Spencer now sported a button down with a tie, dress pants and dress shoes. I reached up and loosened his tie a bit.

"Much better."

The bar smelled of people and Alchohol, to be expected. Spencer's nose scrunched noticeably.

"Let's get us a drink!" Grabbing the cuff of his shirt, I dragged him to the bar. Ignoring his noises of protest the whole way.

"You know someone has to drive right?" The side eye he was giving me told me that he was calling me irresponsible.

"We aren't gonna get drunk, don't worry, just have fun." I slipped the bartender a note.

*Give this stressed ass man the strongest you can give him.*

I was just gonna get *Spencer* drunk.


Spencer was about 3 *strong* drinks in, wobbling a bit on the stool he had set himself in not too long ago. His eyelids drooped as he watched people on the small stage doing karaoke.

"You should get up there and do something." I nudged his side lightly, I felt as if a small breeze could knock him from his sitting position.

"Absolutely not!" He half slurred, looking at me like I was crazy.

Spencer Reid One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now