Thoughts - Part 2 ~~ MGG

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Summary - Reader finds her soulmate and it's none other than Matthew Gray Gubler. They look through their past and dig up things about their first soulmate thoughts.

Word Count - 1.4k


After enthusiastically watching a good chunk of filming on set, it was time for everything to shut down and my class to leave.

"Excuse me! Professor!" I heard a voice shout to my Cinematography Professor. He whipped around and looked to Matthew.

"Would you mind if I stole one of your students? I can take her home, unless she needs to go back to the school on the bus." My face felt hot as Mr. Loughty furrowed his eyebrows at him, clearly suspicious of his actions.

"I feel that would be inappropriate." I watched as a wave of realization washed over Matthew's face, he shook his hands at him.

"No no! I just, we just." He looked to me slightly for help.

"We just found out we were soulmates." I scratched the side of my neck, looking at Loughty. His eyes widened and he smiled.
A rare occurence for him.

"Well aren't you just the luckiest gal!" He patted my back, causing me to stumble forward a bit. "Sorry for overreacting, go ahead. I'll sign you off the bus." He waved and shooed away the rest of the students, who were now gawking at me after overhearing who my soulmate was. I couldn't blame them.

I mean *look* at him.

And that's exactly what I was doing, we both were. Very caught up in the moment.
"Is it okay that I'm taking you home?" His face held so much concern, as if I would be suspicious or afraid of my literal soulmate.

"Yes!" I said, possibly with a little too much enthusiasm. His smile gree as he grabbed his keys from a nearby table.

"Alright then, let's go!" Matthew led me to his car, opening the passenger door for me. "M'lady." His large hands gestured into the car.

*I already like this man.*

"I can tell I like you too." He said with a smirk. My face was definitely beet red by now, I did not intend for him to hear that.
"I'm gonna have to get use to you being able to hear everything I think about." I snickered. He jogged to the driver's side, slipping in and putting the key in ignition.
"First and foremost, I have a question for you." I had wanted to ask him this question since I was 18, I just didn't know who to ask. "What were you doing at 1:19 pm, June 22nd, 2002." Matthew's head slowly turned to me, eyes widening with every passing second.

"No way." His head shook at a slow pace. "No *fucking* way." There was a hint of laughter behind his words. I just looked at him with a puzzled look.

*Matthew walked down the street, on his way to his current apartment. There was a slight bounce in his step, considering how his life was falling together lately. He had just graduated from college, and was now looking into places to audition. He was proud of himself.*

*Just as he was zoning back in from thought, a man had stopped in front of him, looking him up and down.*

*"Have you ever considered modeling?" Matthew's eyebrows furrowed together in a wicked scrunch of the face.*

*"Excuse me?" Matthew looked down at his watch, remembering that you couldn't tell time in a dream, he was making sure this was an actual interaction that was taking place.*

*"1:19." He said aloud, making the other man tilt his head. The gears in his head were turning a 100 miles a minute. "No, I've never considered modelling, why?"*

*"You have impeccable facial structure for it." His pointer finger circled around his face, quickly shooting out, implying a handshake. "I'm a modelling scout." Matthew cautiously shook his hand, a card being slipped into it. "Please call me if you want to reconsider."*

*Then he was fone, as if the whole conversation never happened.*

"You've got to be *kidding* me right?!" I laughed, covering my mouth to hide the massive grin I could feel forming. "And all you could think was 'What the fuck?!'" In the past, I had held a slight grudge for the migraine that thought had given me, but now it was quite the story.

"*That's* the first thought you got from me?" His eyebrows shot up, hands coming to his mouth. "I'm so sorry!" He chuckled, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm gonna be totally honest." I tried to compose myself from all of the laughter. "It hurt like a bitch. I was all like 'Awe! What if it's something cute! Maybe he's thinking about *me*?' But no! You happened to be shouting profanities in your *mind* while I was becoming an adult." This brought on another wave of laughter, a laugh I was definitely excited to get use to. After the giggles had died down, he turned to me with a wide grin.

"Do you wanna know what my first soulmate thought was?" I nodded excitedly, resting my head on the headrest as we were now sitting sideways in his car.

"Wait! Before we start, do you wanna sit in the back? Might be more comfortable there." My thumb jabbed to the backseat while his smile clearly grew.

"Absolutely." We both hopped into the back, getting situated. "Okay, it was March 9th, 1998, 4:15 pm. I was a senior in highschool, and I had just gotten home from school. I was walking up to my front door when I heard it." He told the story like it was folklore, his arms gesturing every which way. "I heard 'I told his dumbass that I was gonna win, silly old man.' Which took me off guard." I had never seen someone smile so wide. I dug through my thoughts, trying to remember where I was in March when I was 14. Then I remembered.

"Holy shit! I know what was going on!"

*Y/n sat, shaking her head at her head at her old man.*

*"Dad, there's no way you would win in a race to me! For so many reasons." His eyes rolled at the childs words.*

*"I think your just a wimp!" He stated, crossing his arms at her.*

*"Oh it's on old man!" She stood from her previous seated position with haste. "From here to the big oak tree." Her small hands pointed at the giant tree across the yard. He nodded with confirmation.*

*"Ready. Set. Go." And they were off, this was short lived though. Because a few short strides in, her father was on the ground, holding onto his knee. She was jumping for joy at the tree, doing a victory dance.*

"It turned out that he had blown out his knee." I made a painful expression, counteracting the laugh that was escaping from my lips.

"I love that instead of immediately helping him, you just, thought about I told you so." His head shook, laughing again. Changing the mood a bit, I grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers.

"I'm so glad I met you, finally." My thumb rubbed over his. Matthews hands were extremely warm, a contrast to my constantly freezing ones. "You are everything I thought you would be and more." His eyes were bright with wonder, peering into mine.

"I don't know how I got so lucky." It wasn't something I was expecting to hear. It's not like I was anything incredibly special.

"You got lucky?!" I chuckled, you're literally all I've ever wanted in a guy. You like the holidays, from what I've heard. You're funny, and you have *impeccable* facial structure." I giggled, my hand tracing his cheekbones lightly. His eyes narrowed at me, leaning forward slightly.

"Is it too soon for me to ask if I can kiss you?"

"Probably." I grabbed his face, pulling it to mine quickly. His lips tasted like fruit, more like fruit roll ups. I could feel his mouth curl into a smile during the kiss, followed by me doing the same. We parted, foreheads touching.

"You ever had an eskimo kiss?" I could just barely see the twinge of confusion in his eyes. I leaned my nose onto his, rubbing it back and forth with a smile. I could hear the whisper of a laugh as he did it back.

"I can already tell you're the best thing that will ever happen to me." He mumbled.

*Me too.*

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