Pajamas ~~ MGG

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Summary - Matthew has been gone for a while and Reader finds one of his sweatshirts! (Short reader)

Word Count - 800


Unless you saw me and Matthew in public, you probably couldn't tell how massive our height difference was. You see, I am 5'0 even (If I round up) and Matthew was known for his height of 6'1. In our pictures on social media, we were sitting down so you couldn't exactly tell. But every once in a while you would see a paparazzi picture of us standing with eachother, usually holding hands. To put it in perspective for you, I was just to his shoulder. Practically making me look like a child next to him.
But all of this made it extremely fun to wear his clothes.

Matthew was currently away, as usual. He was filming for 68 Kill, which he informed me that I would *love* him in. He had told me not to expect him home for another 2 weeks.

I was currently sitting and watching Criminal Minds. I missed seeing his face every day, so I guess I would just have to see it through a screen.

I decided I wanted to be comfy, so I headed up stairs to put some soft pajamas on. As soon as I opened our pajama drawer, my face fell. I was out of my pajama shorts and t-shirts.

I had kind of been skipping our laundry days. I missed him so much sometimes that I would just forget daily things.
I guess I would just have to wear one of Matthew's sweatshirts to bed.


As I picked up one of his grey sweatshirts from the drawer, a not slipped out of it.

*I knew you would run out of pajamas. My cologne is in the bathroom cabinet of you want another little piece of me there. Love you baby xxx*

I stared down at his funny handwriting, tracing the words with my finger. He knew me so well. I brought the hoodie to the bathroom with me, spraying it with probably a few too many sprays and sliding it on with ease.

As I said, wearing his clothes was another level of fun. I looked at myself in our full sized mirror. I truly looked like a child now. The soft piece of clothing went down to my knees, I could feel it tickling my thighs. I didn't wear his clothes too often unless were were at home. I had seen other celebrities wearing their spouses clothes, but they looked normal.

I looked like the clothing version of a little kid tromping around in their parents big shoes.

You remember in middle school when you would pul your hand out of the sleeve and slap people with the limp fabric? Well I could do that right now *without* pulling my arm from it. That's how long this thing was on my arms. I mean, have you seen how long that mans arms are? He looks like a Gibbon.

I pulled the hood over my head, pulling the strings to tighten it over my face. Then took a deep inhale to smell the cologne, and exhaling with a groan. I want him to come home so bad.

I need a hug.

My feet trudged back to the couch to watch some more Criminal Minds. I smiled as Matthew came on screen. *Damn* did he look amazing in that FBI vest, it's a good thing I didn't work on set because it would be hard for me to not to be all over him seeing him wear that.

After a few episodes, my eyes were drooping, so I laid down on the couch, curling up into a ball and snuggling into the sweatshirt. Then I was off to sleep.


"Y/n? Sweety?" I could barely hear the words, but I was sure it was part of my dream.

That was until I was being picked up.
"I'm taking you to the bed baby." I was lifted and being held bridal style, soon set on the comfy bed I called home.

"What are you doing home?" I asked in a hoarse voice, rubbing my eyes.

"Some of the filming went a little faster than we expected, so I have a week break and I couldn't wait to see you." He slipped into bed next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "This looks good on you, way better than it looks on me." He nuzzled his head into my neck. "And you smell good." He chuckled, now kissing my neck.

"I missed you so much, but I'm so tired. I have need a good cuddle or at the very least a good hug for like, 3 weeks now." I turned around in his arms so I could see that beautiful face of his. He kissed my nose and pulled me closer.

"I cannot argue with that."

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