The Transporter - Part One ~~ Spencer Reid

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Summary - You are part of a Multiverse study, and you are going to visit your favorite world to meet your favorite genius.

This is probably gonna be a kinda longer series of mine. Hope you guys like it :)

Word count: 2,550

Technology had advanced tremendously in the past ten years. It was something I dreamed about as a kid. Something I had always wished for *so hard* as a teen. But did I ever think it was going to be a real thing, that it was even physically possible? Hell no.

When technologists started introducing the system it seemed like complete bogus. Everyone thought it was a joke, this went on for years. Now you may be thinking, what could be so preposterous that almost the whole world quickly saw technologists as idiots? The idea that you could input yourself into a show or movie. Take part in that universe, live there. Whether it be permanently or temporarily. The multiverse theory had been proven not long after this was spoken of, whether they were connected, we didn't know. But this was something that seemed too good to be true, impossible to even fathom.

So after five years of it being so talked about, things when kind of silent for the operation. No one knew what was going on, and we thought that maybe, just maybe, we had bullied them into shutting it down all together.

That was until ads were coming up for human studies on the project.

By this time, I'm 24 years old. This study was introduced when I was still reading fanfiction on fictional characters, and even if it seemed impossible, a small part of me wanted for this to be real so badly. So after 5 years, I was still curious about the whole thing, and if we were being honest, I still read some fanfiction nu ow and then. So it took nearly no convincing when by myself to sign up for the study that would chose just 5 people to participate.

*Hello willing participant! Before we get your information, we wanted to inform you of the shows and movies we have set up for this particular study. It's a very tedious task to reroute to a movie/shows universe. So we are slightly limited, we are sorry if this inconveniences you. We have set warning labels by the names for a pre-warning. Some shows can be pretty dangerous and since you will be a willing participant, you make your own descisions. This will be in a contract. 🔴 - High Danger 🔵 - Moderate Danger ⚪ - Low Danger ⚫ - Nearly no danger*

*This is what we have so far:*

*-Riverdale 🔵*
*-The Walking Dead 🔴*
*-Mandalorian ⚪*
*-The Office ⚫*
*-Criminal Minds 🔵*

I didn't even need to keep reading. As a teen. I watched Criminal Minds all the time. After watching it in highschool, I had officially decided I wanted to go into profiling and criminal justice in college. This was among other things as well, seeing as 2 others in my family had persued similar careers. While in college, my uncle got me an internship with him at the BAU, the real life one obviously. So I had been doing that for 4 years, and he said I had quite the knack for it. I graduated with a criminal justice degree last year, but I chose to stay doing a paid internship with him for now while I built myself up.

But back to the point. I had a bad habit of falling in love with fictional characters very easily, particularly skinny white boys who were really smart, Peter Parker, Barry Allen, Columbus (Ohio), Oliver Wood, so you can pretty much guess who I was infatuated with in this scenario.

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