Quick! -- Spencer Reid

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Summary - Reader takes Spencer to her office Christmas party to keep the office creep away.


Word Count - 1.9k

Heyyyy this was kinda a request of numbers 28 and 29 (I think?)


The situation I had dragged Spencer into wasn't one he would usually agree to. Hell, I usually wouldn't even ask him to do this.
But things at my office were getting a bit too out of control for my liking.
Seth was a man who worked at my office. He appeared kind, handsome, and charming.

And that was all true, because it was on the surface.

Seth was also cunning, seductive, persuasive, and powerful. I think you see where I'm getting at here.

The first time something happened it was pretty harmless, but made me uncomfortable regardless.

*I sat at my desk, finishing up an article I had started days ago, one I was quite proud of, when I felt a presence behind me. I peered to the right slightly, seeing a suit I had seen on many different occasions.*
*"Looks great y/n!" He put his hand on my shoulder for a few seconds, looking from over my shoulder. "Great job." His hand slid slowly off as he backed away. It gave me chills.*

He had done many other things in between now and then, but the last straw was a week ago when he grabbed my knee under the table at a meeting. I snatched it from him so quickly I was thoroughly surprised that no one heard my knee slam into the underside of the table.

Now it was the office Christmas party, and I wanted to go, I had many friends made in that office that I had come to love being around. But it was hard to do that with a certain lurking presence around.

So I called Spencer.

At first he was very hesitant, saying 'parties weren't his thing.' And 'I wouldn't know what to wear.' But as soon as I brought up how uncomfortable Seth made me, he was on board.

I set out the sweaters I bought for us on my couch, getting ready to tell Spence that he had to wear this.

It was going to be like putting a cat in a bath.

"Come in! Its unlocked." I yelled, hearing the knock at the door. Spencer promptly slinked in, heading to my side.

"You know, that can be quite dangerous. What if it wasn't me?" I looked up at him with a tiny glare.

"You knock a certain way so shut up." He smiled a bit at this, inevitably looking down at the sweaters I had placed.

"No, y/n, why?" He whined, feeling the fabric between his fingers.

"Spencer please! I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend." His movements froze, I may have skipped asking him that the other day.

"What? I thought, you said, I thought I was just there to keep him away from you?"
"And you are! You are! But it would really keep him away from me if he knew I had a boyfriend. Men respect other men they don't know, more than they trust women at all." I gave him puppy dog eyes, holding up the sweaters that read 'I've been naughty' and 'I've been nice.' On them. He looked down at me with what looked like nerves but I was definitely perceiving as pity and finally gave in.

"Fine, because I don't want that asshole touching you anymore."

"Soooooo, you'll wear the sweater?" I gave him a cheesy smile, slowly placing the 'Naughty' one in his arms. He rolled his eyes with the tiniest smile.

Spencer Reid One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now