Claustrophobia ~~ Spencer Reid

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Summary - Reader is claustrophobic and Spencer decides to use an unconventional way to help her get over her fear.

Word Count - 1.2k


Don't get me wrong, I loved my job. But it was completely and undeniably exhausting. Hence why my suitcase was so lazily dragging behind me as I slugged towards the jet.

"Someone looks enthused." Spencer chimed from beside me, nudging me lightly with his elbow. I gave him a glare and continued my trek to the aircraft. He jogged in front of me, hurrying up the metal steps. How can he have so much energy?

*Must be the copious amounts of coffee he consumes daily.*

I reminded myself, remembering that I counted him drinking at least 5 cups today.
Soon I was trudging up the stairs, rubbing my head from the headache I could feel coming on. I could just sleep it off. But the universe must have had other plans for me as I looked over at the couch to see Spencer sitting there, on his laptop.

"Excuse me." I took a few steps toward him. "Excuse me!" His head shot up from the screen, pointing to himself and looking around. The rest of the team held wide eyes. "Yes you, you're sitting in my seat." My arms were crossed over my chest in frustration at this point.

"I don't see your name on it." He teased, looking under the leather seat. Even standing slightly to look around. But I was *not* in the mood.

I was sleepy.

I sighed a little, softening my stance somewhat.

"Look Reid, I need a nap, unlike you who drinks mounds of caffeine and won't need sleep until you get home. I could feel my eyes drooping. He patted the seat next to him, pulling his computer farther up his lap.

"Come nap next to me." JJ nudged me forward from her seat, I turned to her with a death glare. She responded with a look as to say:

*Do not pass up this chance you dumb bitch.*

I loved and hated her for that. I let out a loud sigh, setting my rolling case next to the couch and sitting next to him.
His hand came to his shoulder, patting there now. I raised my eyebrow in question.

"You wanted to sleep right? Sleep." His head tilted to his shoulder. I was tired... So I set my head down.

The coat he was wearing was comfy against my cheek. Just before I closed my eyes I could see the small smile adorning his face.

"Before you fall asleep, can I ask why you never sit in the regular seats?" The question was honestly kind of uncomfortable for me, but I wasn't going to tell him *that*.

"I, I have severe claustrophobia. Even if I'm just sitting in a seat and someone in next to me, I feel boxed in. The only reason I'm not feeling it right now is because there isnt a wall next to me." He peered down at me while I confessed.

"Would you ever want to get over that fear?" I didn't know where this was going, but I'm sure I wasn't going to like it.

"Well yeah, everyone wants to get over fears." He lifted my head from his shoulder.

"Do you trust me?" I nodded with a grimace. He started pulling me up and to the back of the plane. He then backed into the bathroom. I tugged back on his hand.

"The team is definitely going to think we are doing *something* in here Spencer." I snapped at him.

"Hotch already suspects that we are dating." He smirked.

"Oh yes! Let's prove him right!" I waved my arms, my left one still attached to his.

"Would that be so bad?" There was only a momentary pause before he tugged hard on my arm, pulling me fully into the bathroom. "Close the door." He insisted. I shook my head defiently. He swiftly grabbed my shoulders, switching our places so he was near the door. He shut it softly and locked it.

"Now they are really gonna think we are doing it." I chuckled nervously, holding my arms as if I was cold. But really I was realizing just how *small* this room was, especially with 2 people in it. I could feel my breath picking up a bit. "Are you trying to prove some point to yourself." I snapped again, getting defensive.

"No, Claustrophobia, like most phobias, responds fairly well to treatment. Cognitive behavioral therapy and desensitization can be especially helpful. In this case we are doing physical treatment." He shrugged. My chin was hitting my chest from how far down my head was looking, my eyes squeezed shut.

"Wow, I'm sure its gonna work so well in a *jet bathroom*." My head was spinning, but I kept my eyes closed. I was sure if I opened them it would be worse.

"You know, I knew you were claustrophobic, I've wanted to help for a while." I could hear him lean against the bathroom door, it creaked. I risked opening my eyes to see him standing nonchalantly.

"How the *hell* is this suppose to help me Reid?" I could feel tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I had so much anxiety in here. I'm sure he could see the glassy look in my eyes because he grabbed my arms, pulling me into a hug.

"Oh please don't cry, I didn't mean to upset you." I could hear the fear and guilt in his voice.

"In gonna be honest, it's not you, this room is really small." I could feel myself shaking, surely a panic attack was on it's way. He held me tighter. I pulled my arms from between us and hugged him back.

"You know, Physical touch is known to improve the function of your immune system as well as reduce diseases such as those associated with the heart and blood. One study on women found that receiving more hugs from their partners led to lower heart rates and blood pressure." He rambled, setting his chin on my head.

"What kind of partners?" I giggled, calming moderately. My voice was muffled by his shirt. "Like partners in crime?"

"I-I guess that's what we would be, right?" I pulled from the hug.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Do you feel a little better about it?" His face was unsure as he asked.

"A bit yeah. Can we please get out if here though? It's kind of hot." I fanned myself. He nodded and opened the door. Just as we were coming out of the door the whole team was staring at us. I could feel all the blood rushing to my cheeks. I looked up at Spencer to see he was in the same position.

"What were you guys doing in there?" JJ teased with a huge grin.

"Will you guys *all* get your heads out of the gutter. He was trying to get me to get over my claustrophobia." I whined, wanting to immediately be off of the subject.

"Sure, I bet he definitely *helped*." Emily commented, poking my side as I walked by. I glared at the team, sitting next to Spencer again, leaning on his shoulder.

"Shut up, assholes." I smiled.

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