Haunted ~~ Spencer Reid

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Summary - Spencer sees something in the office that he can't quite put his finger on.

This is in Spencer POV

This is awfully written bc I wrote it quite a while ago :)



I had been sitting in the office for a while now. I decided to stay late for some paperwork. I was hunched over my desk, on the last few pages of my assignment when heard the glass doors open and close. Was I not alone? I looked up to see y/n rushing back out of the room. But how could that be her? I had watched her leave ten minutes ago wearing very *different* clothes than what I just saw.

When she left, she was sporting a white button up with a pale pink blazer. The shirt was tucked into a nice pencil skirt and she had on black flats.

But now it was a cropped sweatshirt and black sweatpants, she was holding a folder.

Why would she have changed in such a short time? And why change at the office?

I had so many questions. I texted her phone, asking why she had come in the office and left so quickly. Not bothering to ask about the clothes. My phone buzzed with a text not long after.

*What are you talking about? I'm on my couch watching Stranger Things.*

**Stop messing with me! You're so dumb.**

I smiled at my phone, she did pranks like this all the time. My phone buzzed again. It was a picture of her on her couch, clearly in the outfit from work that day still. I checked the time stamp on it and sure enough, she had just taken it.

*I'm kinda sick right now so I wouldn't wanna come in anyway. I think I have the 24 hour flu. Ick. I'll be back tomorrow though.*

I stared at my phone in disbelief. I texted back a see yout tomorrow and set my phone down. I decided I was going to leave immediately, because I believed in ghosts.


I warily came to the office the next day. Looking out for any *fake* y/n's. Or whatever they were.

She was sitting at her desk, flipping through papers. I came up behind her and poked her. She nearly jumped two feet from her swivel chair.

"Christ Spencer! What the hell are you doing?" She shouted, holding her heart and gasping for air.

"Making sure you're real?" It came out as more of a question.

"Excuse me?" She furrowed her brows, crossing her arms over her chest.

"It's- nevermind." I half sulked over to my desk. As soon as I arrived there, Hotch called a new case. Everyone was already headed to the conference room as I was still gathering my things. When I looked up from picking my leather bag off the floor, I saw it again. My eyes widened to probably the size of saucers. I whipped my head from her to the conference room and back to her. She was setting a paper bag on y/n's desk.

I then booked it to the room.

"Did you guys see her! I'm telling you, I'm haunted!" I gestured wildly out the windows.

"Who are you talking about?" Penelope chimed in, looking at the place I was pointing at, just to see no one, and the paper bag was no where to be seen. My shoulders dropped in disappointment.

"I just saw her! She looks like y/n. A *lot* like y/n. I saw her last night for just a second, and I just saw her again setting a bag on y/n's desk!" I looked over at y/n, who was giggling beyond comprehension. "What is so funny?"

"Are you talking about my *twin sister*? *Farah*?" She was doubled over laughing now, gasping for air.

"You never told me you had a fucking *twin*!" I said, very exasperated.

"Yeah! She was dropping off my lunch. And I was so loopy on sleeping medicine last night that I forgot to tell you that you probably saw *Farah*. She was grabbing a folder for me that I forgot at work. I needed it because I was going to finish it at home in the morning. Farah lives far away so she's visiting and staying with me." She held up the very folder in question, the one I saw the girl holding last night. "Sorry to scare ya out of your boots Spence. Didn't know you even believed in ghosts." I then saw y/n peer behind me at the conference room door. I turned around to see Farah, she was bashfully holding a set of keys. I opened the door for her.

"I'm so sorry to intrude." She had the *exact* same voice as y/n. "You also left your house key on the counter. I didn't want to just set it on your desk and it get lost." Y/n scurried over, grabbing them from her and standing next to her. They were very *clearly* identical and not fraternal, there were no immediate differences in them at all. It was insane.

"Guys, this is Farah, my twin sister." She gave me a look. "That's Hotch, Penelope, Emily, JJ, Rossi, Morgan, and Spencer."

"Hey! I saw you last night! You stay late at the office don't you?" Farah pointed at me. Before I could answer y/n did for me.

"Yeah, he thought you were a ghost." Her twin scrunched her face and she was pushed out of the conference room. "Love you sis!" I gave her a deadpan look.

"Thanks." I said, pushing her back to the table.

Well, at least I'm not being haunted.

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