Manager ~~ MGG

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Summary - Reader is Matthew's manager.

I hate this chapter but it was requested on my tumblr so here ya go 😂


Being in a relationship with a celebrity could be hard, and I knew that.

The *months* you would have to spend just one facetime.

The criticizing comments on social media.

And many other factors, but the biggest was the time spent away from eachother.

So after being with Matthew for 3 years, he decided that he wanted to spend way more time together than his schedule allowed.

And what was the solution to that?

Becoming his manager.

At first when he asked, I thought he was joking.

*My body laid like a starfish on my bed as I held my phone to my ear, talking to my one and only.*

*"When will you be back? I miss you."*

*"Just one more week, I promise. I wish I could have you around all the time." I could hear how upset he was through his voice *

*"Me too baby, but I get it. I knew what I was getting myself into. You're a busy man." I huffed slightly.*

*"What if you became my manager?" I giggled a little, because what he was saying had to be a joke. But I quickly stopped when I realized he wasn't laughing.*

*"Are you serious?"*

*"Yeah! You could travel around with me and handle my advertising and agencies that are asking for me, all while getting paid." He sounded so excited.*

*"I would love to!" And so it was decided.*

Now here we are, 6 months in and I was beginning to feel like a pro. We were on a short break, decided we wanted to be at home for a while. We missed our quaint little cottage. I was hoping we wouldn't have to deal with business at all during this break.

But I should learn to never get my hopes up.

While I was cuddling with Matthew on the couch, my phone rang. I groaned, grabbing it off of the arm of the couch and answering it.

"Y/l/n and associates, how can I help you?" It was something I had picked up from an old friend, instead of saying hello she would say her last name and associates. Matthew smiled playfully at me, shaking his head.

"Oh! This must be Matthew's girlfriend, this is Mr. Smith with Smith's photos, can you direct me to his manager?" My shoulders slumped with confusion. Almost everyone associated with Matthew *knew* that I was his manager, so I decided that the man was probably being dumb, and wanted something dumb from Matthew.
"Sure thing!" I gave him our home phone number which ring right as I hung up. Matthew tilted his head as I scrambled to the home phone.

"Gubler and y/l/n household!" I cheerfully said into the bulky phone.

"Very funny Miss y/l/n. Kindly redirect the call to Matthew's manager, my patience is running thin." He sounded heated, but honestly, I didn't really care. If he didn't know that I was his manager, he clearly didn't want Matthew's business that much.  *Let's get something straight smartass.*

"Actually. You **ARE** speaking to his manager." The man on the other end went silent, I could hear a sigh.

"Oh, I'm- I'm so sorry ma'am. That's incredibly embarrassing." I made a sound of agreement. "We Matthew was in town and we were wondering if he wanted to do a photoshoot."

"I'm sorry sir, we are on a break right now and we would prefer not to have any business engagements for the next two weeks." Matthew had come walking into the kitchen at this point, desperately trying to hear what the man was saying. I put the phone on speaker.

"We could give him a discount for any other time he did a shoot for us?" It came out as a question from him. The man was clearly just pulling stuff out of his ass.
"What would the shoot be for. Your own publicity?" I questioned firmly.

"Well, uh, yes." Admittance of defeat.

"*We* usually call photographers if we need something done." Matthew rolled his eyes at the desperate man.

"Oh Mr. Gubler! It's nice to talk to you personally-"

"Thank you for calling, but we do not require your business at this time, goodbye Mr. Smith." I hung up before Matthew could be pulled into conversation. He could sometimes be *too* nice and let things happen. Thats what I was here for.

"Thank God!" Matthew came around my side of the counter, hugging me from behind and leaning down to kiss my cheek. "I did not want to deal with anyone but *you* during this break of ours."

"And I'm hard to deal with in the first place." I giggled, tilting my head back into his chest and looking up at him.

"Yes, gosh my manager is the *worst* too." He smiled, leaning down to kiss me softly.

"And my boss *sucks*." I chimed, setting us into another fit of laughter.

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