Newlyweds ~~ MGG

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Summary - Reader and Matthew are newlyweds and they are furniture shopping for their new home.

I haven't posted in a while I'm SO sorry. Here you go :)

Prompts - "You have a dirty mind." --"We've become the clingy newlyweds you've always complained about."-- "Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?"


Matthew and I decided that right as we got married, we would move in together. We were going to move into a house that was closer to my work, closer to some parks to take walks in. It was our dream.

And we finally found the house, a few weeks ago.

We of course bought it immediatly when we saw it. It was 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms and 2 stories. It had a spacious kitchen. And a big livingroom.

This called for furniture shopping.

We were browsing through the Pier One Imports store in town. I was clutched close to Matthew's side as we looked for a new couch.

"What about this one?" I pointed to a light grey couch with yellow accent pillows. Matthew plopped onto it, dragging me with him by my hand and pulling me onto his lap.

"Oh." He chuckled with disappointment. "This is stiff." He patted the seat next to him, he was right.

"That's was she said." I tried to suppress my laughter, but ultimately failed. I buring my head in his his chest, muffling my giggles. I could feel his chest move with laughter, he stroked my hair a bit.

"You have such a dirty mind." We probably looked insane sitting on a couch in the middle of the store. This thought made me stand, pulling at his wrist.

"Come on, let's look for another one."


We had finally chosen a couch, matching chairs, and a new coffee table. I ventured up to the counter with a check Matthew had written out. He was helping load the trick with our furniture so they could deliver it to us.

I set the check down on the counter, looking up at the man who was staring at my hand.

"That's quite the rock you've got there." He poked my ring a bit.

"Thank you. I'm very lucky to have him." I twisted the ring and nodded.

"I would say he's lucky to have you." He leaned across the counter slightly, grabbing the check. Eyebrows raised slightly as he raked my figure. Then I felt arms wrap around my hips.

"Yes I am. Thanks." Matthew replied plainly, setting his chin on my head. The man at the register stood up straight, putting the check into the system.

"Have a good day." He stood stoically.

"I will." Matthew nodded with a big smile, pulling me into a sweet kiss. I smiled into it, holding onto his hoodie sleeves. He picked me up bridal style while I let out a loud giggle. Kisses were placed all over my face as he carried me out of the store. Just before the doors closed, I looked back at the guy to see him rolling his eyes at the register.

"We've become those clingy newlyweds you've always complained about." I was still in his arms, my head resting on his shoulder.

"Well now I get it. How could you not want to be attatched by that hip with someone you love so much." He kissed my forehead and placed me in the car.

I wouldn't mind spending every waking moment with this man.


We were finally finished setting up all the furniture in the house. Sure, it needed more accessories and this and that, but it was a good start. My shoulder leaned on the doorway of our bedroom, looking at the giant bed we got a few weeks ago.

"We are gonna have *so* much fucking sex." Matthew said nonchalantly. I looked up at him with wide eyes, playfully slapping his shoulder.

"Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?" I chuckled through the sentence.

"Yeah, and it does more that talk to my mother." He snickered back, holding my cheek.

"And you say *I* have a dirty mind."

Spencer Reid One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now