Biggest Fan ~~ Spencer Reid

19.4K 308 222

Summary - Y/n meets her favorite Doctor, and they hit it off.

Word Count - 1.3k


Y/n's mother had always called her an 'unusual specimen.'

She found it weird that she was so 'outgoing' and 'popular' (by her standards). While also being a complete nerd who was interested heavily in Criminal Justice and Chemistry. She had articles upon articles posted in her room about her favorite theories and subjects. That was the only thing that she was teased about, even a little bit, which was mostly by her family. Her mother, and everyone else, had gotten quite use to this once the girl was out of highschool.

Y/n had actually recently graduated from Hampton University with a full ride just last year. But she was still struggling greatly with finding a full time job with it.
She thought back to all of the interning jobs with the police force and even a very small section of the FBI, but nothing really came of it.

That's when she saw the flyers for the FBI seminar being held at her college.

The flyer was ripped from the utility pole outside of her apartment.

*The FBIs very own BAU (Behavioral Analysis Unit) is coming to Hampton University June 20th from 1 pm to 3:30 pm. Agents will be coming in to talk about solved cases and answer any questions you have! Agents David Rossi, Emily Prentiss, and Aaron Hotchner. Along with Dr. Spencer Reid and their Technical analyst Penelope Garcia.*

Her eyes bulged as she read the paper, Spencer Reid was going to be there?! At her old college?! **Talking about Crime?!**

She will absolutely be there.


Here she was, standing in front of the building she had spent grueling hours studying in. Making friends, meeting the man the poor girl had her longest relationship with in, and then dumping his sorry ass. A building full of memories.
And was *hopefully* about to make another meaningful memory.

She clutched the small notebook in her hands while the colorful sundress she sported swished with her movements. She peered around the entrance, remembering all the times she had walked in here, not a care in the world. *Except for exams*.

She made her way to the auditorium and looked down at her watch.


Whoops, she was a little early. White sneakers echoed as she walked to the front row, planting herself in a seat. Y/n sat sideways, propping her feet up on the seat beside her and pulling out a book.

*The Dissapearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements*

When she saw it at Barnes and Noble, she  read the spine of the book and immediatly bought it when her eyes read periodic table. It was a slight fascination of hers.

She read for a while, finding it so intriguing that she effortlessly flipped through the pages. After about 10 or so minutes of reading, her ears perked up at the sound of a door opening and closing. Assuming that it was another person interested in the seminar, her eyes remained glued to the book. Just to make sure she wasn't too caught up in the book, she checked her phone for the time.

*12:25* Her guess was pretty accurate.
That's when she heard a slight giggle from behind her. She jumped from the seat a bit, slinging her legs over so that she wasn't laying across two chairs. Her hand grabbed her chest over her heart.

"Holy shit!" She looked over to see a familiar face, not one she had expected would be sneaking behind her and laughing. "Dr. Reid?" Her breath calmed. His smile faltered slightly.

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