Over Par : Gus (Psych)

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*bless the individual who requested this - @PepermintSwirl I am so sorry it took so long*

"Shawn, this isn't a good idea..."

Lately, many of your sentences had been starting this way. Your arms were usually crossed, or face palming because of the latest scheme he had come up with.

For the last year or so, Shawn had been convinced that Gus needed to be in a romantic relationship. There were some interesting people that had now been involved and were already gone - most of them ending up disappearing for reasons that may or not be labeled with Lassiter's name all over it in a file cabinet.

Of course, Gus had been set up with practically everyone in Santa Barbara- everyone except you.

This was party your fault. You hadn't vocalized anything to Shawn or - more importantly - to Gus. However, there were always hints, and you had been friends with them for several years. Surely, there had to be some kind of thought that maybe you were interested. Then again, they didn't really read into anything. Ever.

"Why is that, (Y/N)?"

You had to stop your thought process to come back out of the twilight zone to answer Shawn.

"Shawn, she's crazy. She already has a criminal record - and before you ask, I talked to Juliet and she looked into it for me."

Shawn smiled, and laughed a little at this. "You're saying you already know she's not a good fit?"

"Yes, Shawn. I'm fairly confident in this."

He stopped, seeming to pause for a moment to try and regroup and collect his thoughts.

"Well, we still have to find someone for him to go out with. He's weird when he gets lonely."

"Shawn, maybe he just needs a break from dating for a while. Dating is a lot to handle on top of working his actual job and trying to take cases with the Psych agency." You motioned to the office space with your hands.

Shawn's smile widened, and this startled you a bit.
"What are you thinking now, you madman?"

He took you by your shoulders, and walked with you to the bus stop. Shawn didn't say a word, which was strange for him, but his foot didn't stop bouncing all the way to the police station, so something had to be up.

"Shawn, what's going on?" You asked, following him down a few halls and stopping at a random desk in front of some filing cabinets.

"You'll see."

In this moment, you were slightly hopeful he was finally seeing your feelings for Gus and that you would have a chance because Shawn would set you up.

However, this hope was short lived because a woman came from behind the desk, around your age, and Shawn began talking about Gus. There were a few tears, but not enough for you to want to say anything and make it harder. So instead, you stepped back, and walked back up the stairs. You accidentally ran into Woody, who quickly apologized and was about to walk away,  but seeing your distraught state made him turn around.

"Hey, (Y/N). You feeling alright?"

You shook your head, still trying to figure out how to process what you were feeling.

"Alright. Uhm... don't go anywhere. Stay right..." he led you by a water fountain, and stepped back, "...right here. This is perfect. And besides, you can't cry when you drink something - a handy tip I learned from my former girlfriend Lollipop. I'll be back."

You smiled, and found that the water trick did work.

Juliet came down first, and was extremely sympathetic at the first. Lassiter was on her tail, complaining as always, but softened a bit when he saw how upset you were and at least stopped complaining. Woody offered you an unopened package of Sun Chips. The fact that they were unopened is the only reason you took them. Never know where Woody has been...

"Maybe I can talk to Shawn and see if we can..."

"Juliet, thank you for trying to help. I just think I need to let go, it's unhealthy and he would never be into someone like me... but thanks."

You went home and made ramen.


"I promise, I'm good, Shawn."

"But (Y/N), I promised you like... five years ago that this was going to be good and you at least owe it to me to give it a shot."

You sighed, leaning up against the doorframe. You held up your hand, stepped back and put some sandals on and grabbed your phone. "Fine. But just for a few hours, I still have some responsibilities at home like laundry."

Not that you were intending on finishing it, you just needed an excuse to go home earlier so you didn't have to be out as long.

This event, as Shawn had promised, ended up being fantastically planned by whoever was in charge. It was captivating and had so many options going on at once - and distracted you long enough that Shawn had to come back and get you.

"Hey, the Italian ice is this way. You've got to focus!"

"Haha, says you!"

The gang was all there, but Gus seemed a bit off.

"Hey, Gus. What's up?"

He seemed ever so slightly nervous, and you couldn't quite figure out why.

"Hey, (Y/N). It's good to see you after so long!"

"Gus, I saw you yesterday."

"Oh..." he paused for a moment, looking at Shawn and with a frustrated huff, pushed through more confidently, "(Y/N), you just need to know. I want to take you out. But not like, out-out, but out like in on a date sort of out." He realized this didn't make complete sense, and facepalmed.

You smiled. "Gus, I have been waiting for you to say that for a forever."

Gus seemed to relax, and the girl handed him a gelati. "You want some?"

"Sure! Thanks, Gus."

The fist bump between Shawn and Juliet behind you was just far enough in your peripheral to make you laugh a little. It was just a push in the right direction.

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