The Cracked Willow : Thranduil

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He looked away, and from the opposite side of the floor next to the throne, your heart shattered.

"Thranduil, how could you?"

He turned on his heel, fire in his eyes. "It was only because..."

"Don't say that. If you truly loved me, and our child, you wouldn't be off galavanting with some female. I know I'm not the prettiest girl in Middle Earth. I'm not of your kind. But if that is all that is driving you away, I can't do this. Our marriage cannot function if it's purely based off of physical attraction and status. I might as well go back to tending animals, because I've never really been worthy of your love. Our child to come won't be worthy of your love either. I'm sorry that I was such a disappointment to you. I will take my leave." 

Your steps echoed across the room, following your back as a haunting memory of his motionless eyes that practically threw daggers.

The farm you used to tend was run down when you arrived, but the house itself was bustling with activity as a place to rest one's feet during a journey. Just like you had always wanted.

The family recognized you, and gave you a room - at a discounted price instead of for free, upon your insistence. 

After a week or so, Legolas noticed his father's diminishing persona. He had long forgotten and dropped the woman he was seeing, and had made it his mission to find you - to no avail. He rarely slept or ate, while commanding the guard to search for you. 

Legolas, on the other hand, had a functioning brain and realized where it was that you had gone.

"Queen (Y/N), someone is here to see you."

"It's just (Y/N), but show them in, thank you." You continued brushing the horse, waiting for whoever it was to come in. People had come to ask for things and get all the gossip - which you didn't give - and to just see the Queen that they rarely saw.

"(Y/N), it is good to see you alive."

"Legolas, hello. It is good to see you." You embraced.

"How is your health?"


"And the child?"

"Fine as well. How is... your father?"

"That's what I'm here to talk to you about." Legolas led you to a bench, allowing you to rest your feet. "Ada is... not doing well without you. He's restless, confused, he won't eat, and all he ever talks about now is getting you home."

"He should have considered that before he went and thought about having an affair."

"You're exactly right. However, he stopped talking to her the day you left. He's had the guard searching for you day and night. He just... hasn't had the thought to send them here."

"Legolas, I don't know if I can go back. He wasn't overly loving before, and I need a good father for my baby."

"He will be. He's begun to change, and your return will be the catalyst to finish it. Please, Amal, come home."

After a few more discussions, he finally convinced you to come home. The journey there was not ideal, as there were several attacks from spiders. You hid in the hollow of a tree, to appease Legolas to maintain your safety. 

The night stayed in the forest was cold, and damp, leaving you not feeling well in the morning. Legolas barred your safety and arrived at the castle relatively quick the next day.

After greeting the guards, you breathed in deeply before they opened the throne room doors.

A woman was on her knees at the base of the throne, begging the King to take her back. You assumed this was the same woman who he had...

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