Don't Shut Me Down : Lassiter (Psych)

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sorry this took forever to publish friends, this one's for @charlewinchester and @Willowbee77

Lassiter had never seen anyone like you in his life. You were all of a sudden just... there.

There was already a mental list going as he encountered you in the station for the first time.
- Shawn's sister
- probably looks more like her mother than like her father (since he had met Henry several times before)
- a unique sense of style
- an unreadable aura, completely unlike Shawn

"Lassie, you alright?" Gus asked.

"Earth to Lassie, we've got a problem." Shawn laughed.

Lassiter stopped taking mental notes, and rolled his eyes at them. "If you two idiots would just shut up, maybe we can get a little more information."

"They were totally giving us more info and you were just..." Juliet pretended to wave her hand over his eyes. "... not home."

"Well then, it looks like it's time for you two to be going." Lassiter put his hands on their shoulders and slightly pushed them in the direction of the door.

"Come on, (Y/N). We've got this covered."

You noticed that the girl Shawn had introduced as Juliet was trying to ask her partner what was going on and he was being defensive.

It was only in the Blueberry on the way to the client that you finally spoke up.
"Shawn, you didn't tell me he was going to be cute."

"What? You mean Gus? Yeah, he's adorable."

"No, Shawn. She's talking about Lassiter."

"Lassie? I mean, come on, (Y/N)."

"I'm serious, Shawn. While he could stand to not be an overachiever and not try to be the smartest in the room, he's attractive." You stated.

Shawn laughed in the front seat, and you smiled, rolling your eyes slightly. "You know what, forget about it. Probably won't see him again."

Shawn and Gus shared a look, and that was that.


You cursed under your breath, realizing that your assumption a few days ago was incorrect. While this surprise trip to Santa Barbara was fun and got more intriguing by the day, you couldn't help but be frustrated with yourself. Falling in love with a practical stranger was not in the plans, and you had to fly home again at some point. You didn't have time for a romantic subplot right now.

And yet, here it was. Right in front of you.

It also didn't help that he clearly didn't like Shawn, and in turn, really didn't pay much attention to you.

However, your degree in Paleontology finally paid off when there was something that went down on a excavation site.

For the first time in over a week, Lassiter was hanging on every word that you said, asking questions, and taking notes. This did not help, because he was so respectful and seemed genuinely interested in what you had to say. You had to remind yourself that just because he was talking to you didn't mean that he had any actual interest, but that this was for the case.

Even a few days after this experience, he asked just you to come to the station for some follow up questions. You answered to the best of your ability, and after he finished the last case related question, he asked something more conversational.

"So, how do you like Santa Barbara?"

You had to think about this one for a minute. "Overall, it's pretty good. I enjoy being back where I grew up for a change, compared to my stuffy apartment by myself."

"Oh, so you don't live around here?"

"No, although sometimes I wish I did. I moved away and got my degree in paleontology and just haven't moved back."

"Can't blame you, it can get monotonous around here."

So he was a conversationalist after all.

"Yeah. But it has been nice seeing Shawn and dad and meeting their friends. It has definitely kept things interesting."

"Yeah... well, thanks for coming in, I'll let you know if I have any more questions."

You smiled and left the station.


"Hey, we've got an active crime. You should come and see the scene before they clean it up."

"Shawn, I don't know if that's a good idea. I'm not good around bodies and stuff like that."

"(Y/N), I promise, it's not that bad. You'll be in and out, 10 minutes tops."


Within just a few minutes, you were already past your breaking point. You began counting the number of tassels on the table runner in the tent, hoping to distract yourself long enough to make it out without losing your insides. You felt the cold sweat on your forehead, feeling the color leave your cheeks, trying to shake off the dizziness that was setting in.

It was Lassiter that noticed this first. "Spencer... is..."
He tapped Shawn's shoulder, and your brother put his arm around your shoulders.

"Hey sis, you feeling alright?"

Within just a few moments of his question, your vision went black, and you felt that you lost control of every one of your senses.

"Oh my gosh, is she okay?" Lassie helped Shawn get your unconscious self over to a chair.

"She's not usually good with crime scenes - but I convinced her to come. It's my fault."

"(Y/N) so brilliant though, I would have never guessed she wasn't good with stuff like this."

"She'll be alright - (Y/N) always pulls through. Just give her a little while and she might even go out with you." Shawn stood up and started walking away.

This comment took Lassie back as he turned to face Shawn. "Spencer, what in the..."

Shawn held up his hand. "Im a psychic, Lassie. I know."

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