I've Elected to Ignore the Code: Nick Fury

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It wasn't supposed to happen. The code forbade it, the agents broke it, and Nick Fury was the man who would stick by the code until he died.

And you had fallen in love with that.

You weren't an Avenger, and you definitely weren't an active agent for SHIELD. You were an intelligence operative for SHIELD, however, you didn't find much value in what you did. Nick Fury would call you into his office every now and then to answer a question or two on a threat, but other than that, you were the one playing Galaga.

Life did not get any easier when you developed feelings for Nick Fury. You knew the rules; he knew the rules, and so all is fair in love and war.

"Hey (Y/n)."

You turned around to see Agent Hill standing behind you. "Yes?"

"I'm letting you know that Director Fury and I will be gone for a meeting with the Avengers. You're welcome to come with us if you wanted."

"No, I'm fine. I have enough work to do anyways, so..."

"Aw, come on. It's just another chance to see him more than once a week!"

"It's fine. Once a week is enough so I don't plunge straight into obsession."

She chuckled, said her goodbyes and left.

Maria Hill. Best friend, the person who endorsed your crush on Fury with everything she had. She wanted nothing more than to get you together. To cut the small talk.

You hoped for nothing more than for your feelings to go away.


Later that evening...

"Hello? Anybody home?" Nick's voice was echoed back to him in the dark.

"That's weird, (Y/n) should've been on duty. I talked to her before we left... I wonder....."


Nick raced to your side, immediately cupping your face gently. "Who did this to you? What happened?"

"Director... i...it was..."

"Who was it that hurt you?"

"H..h...hydra. They're here. Looking for you. You need to run away... from me or they will find.... you."

"I won't leave you (Y/n). I'll stick by you until I die."

You smiled and leaned forward to kiss him. You couldn't get close enough, so you fell back against the wall. What surprised you was that he immediately leaned forward and kissed you with a passion you didn't think possible.

When your world went dark, his world had just begun to be in color.

He pulled away slowly, and gently picked you up into his arms. Hydra was loose in SHIELD, and more importantly, they had hurt you. Nobody would get away with hurting you. Not in his rule book.

"Sir, you do know what harm this might do to SHIELD, when they find out the Director....." She started to follow him to the infirmary.

"Yes, Agent Hill, I know I'm breaking the code. But I'm breaking it for the greatest good I'm ever going to get." *

"I know. She's been waiting."

"She's been waiting too long."


"She waking up."

"Tell Director Fury immediately."

The world was blurry, but you recognized the voices and the outlines of certain people. Almost immediately, you heard the familiar sound of boots, and the world cleared up and you saw that all too loveable one-eyed man.


"It's Nick to you, (Y/n)." He gently kissed you repeatedly.

"Nick, I...."


"You don't have to break the rules to make me feel better. I'm fine."

It was almost as though his answer had been thought out long before he actually said it to you. "I recognize the code, (Y/N), and because it's the worst written code I've ever lived by, I've elected to ignore it."

The code was broken, the world continued turning, and now you had a partner to play Galaga with.


* bless you if you understood this reference ^

^ if you understood THAT reference bless you a million times over again

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