Missing Nobody But You : Linus Larrabee

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"So, (Y/n), how's the married life?"

"It's good. Just.... busy."

You had been married to Linus for a while now, and ever since coming off your honeymoon you had spent.... what was it... 3 days total together. Counting all the hours you saw him it counted up to 3 days.

He was a worker, and you knew it. Trying to get him to spend time with you besides dinner and bedtime was a real struggle. He tended to argue whenever you asked about taking time off. So you stopped saying anything.

David was happily married to Sabrina, but you didn't feel as happy.

Tonight it was another one of the famous Larrabee parties, and you were, as usual, alone.

Linus was showing off one of his flat screens, and you shivered outside in your long, navy blue dress. It was his favorite color; that was, when he cared.

You decided to leave the party early and get takeout. Because why not? If he was busy with the company, he wouldn't be home until after midnight.

You went back into the house, changing into baggy sweatpants and a sweatshirt. The takeout arrived and you turned on a movie. Halfway through, the door slammed open and in walked Linus.

You didn't say anything, knowing he probably didn't notice you were even there.

"(Y/n), what makes you think you could just leave?"

You turned around and saw Linus, waiting impatiently for an answer.

"You didn't need me, and nobody else needed me so I left. I wanted to be comfy at home, not stuck outside with people I don't care about. You shouldn't have a problem with that."

"Shouldn't have a problem? You scared me. I can't just let go of....."

"Of what? The fact that I'm not at your party? Wait, no. You can't let go of the fact that I'm not at your mother's party? Alone?"

He didn't have anything to say, so you went back to your movie.

Linus took off his suit coat and tie, and unbuttoned the very top of his shirt.

He was walking toward the bed when you asked, "Linus, do you love me?"

"Sure, (Y/n), sure." He was trying to sound reassuring, but he wasn't doing so well. It came across irritated and sarcastic.

"You don't love me." You stated, turning around.

"I just said I did, so why are you assuming I don't?"

"You don't love me." Your voice cracked as you said it, tears beginning to fall down your cheeks. The phrase continued to repeat, eventually fading into you turning back to the screen, quietly sobbing into the blanket you were in. The crying also dwindled into nothing, where the tears didn't stop but the noise did.

It wasn't very long before the sheets on the bed in the room behind you rustled, and light footsteps made their way towards you.

Linus turned the television off, leaving the the two of you in the dark except for one lamp on the side table. He knelt in front of you, gently unraveling you from the knot you had put yourself in.

You wanted nothing more than to jump into his arms and let it all go, but you didn't know if it meant anything this time.

He sat next to you, pulling you into his arms and slowly beginning to kiss you, repeating your name and a slew of apologies.

"Linus..." he didn't stop, even when the phone rang. All of his undivided attention was on you, something that hadn't happened in a long time.

"Linus, somebody is trying to..."

"Mhmmmm...?" He continued showering you with affection, which you didn't complain at.

Eventually, he let go reluctantly, going over to the phone.


He began to talk excitedly into the phone, demanding all of his appointments he canceled and that the business man from Chicago could wait and that his mother needed to calm down and a million other incomprehensible things.

He kissed you quickly, then rushed into the bedroom, came back out, and picked you up and put you on the bed while he got a suitcase out.

"Linus? What are you doing?"

"You and I are going to get away for a while." He came over to you and enveloped you in his arms. "I've neglected you for too long."

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