Part 2

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Dabis POV
Last night was not the funniest, the creep of a boss tried to kill us the first time we met, he acts like a child and I hate that. I finally introduced myself as Dabi. I'm not that scumbags child anymore I'm officially Dabi and that's what the world will know me as. I will admit I had a bad attitude towards the creep but his face and the hand on it just creeps me out.
I woke up this morning in my now room, I got out of bed and just put on some shorts thinking nobody was up. To my surprise as I walk out the creep and the mist guy who we call Kurogiri was in the kitchen. The creep examined me and looked away quickly blushing..I don't think he's gay. I mean I am pretty hot so I wouldn't care if he was crushing on me. It's not like I have a thing for him..Or do I?

"Morning creep" I say quietly as I walk past him.

I grab my pack of cigarettes and walk outside. I light one using my quirk and take a drag blowing the smoke out at the sky, it was a beautiful morning. The sun just rose above the buildings around us, next thing I know I feel someone touching me, I look back and it's the creep laying his head against my bare back, his skin was freezing.

"I-I'm sorry..I just wanted some warmth.." his voice sounds scratchy as he mumbles to me

"Don't worry about it creep." I say with a slight attitude.

For some reason I didn't push him off like I would anyone else. I'm not gonna lie I might now have a crush on the creep but it wasn't strong, I could tell he just wanted some warmth due to his skin being freezing.  It almost felt like ice..I finished smoking a bit later and I look back and he's asleep. I sigh and picks him up on my back.

I walk inside to see the crazy and kurogiri eating, I set the creep in his room which he had a shelve of all creeped me out how real they looks but I didn't wanna ask in case it was personal. I lay him on his bed and walks out, shutting the door behind me.

(Sorry this one is a bit short but longer compared to the other one)
414 words

The new guy and the boss (Shigadabi!)Where stories live. Discover now